Reason eight,

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Dear Kat,

You know kat, my first impression on you was 'Awe, she's nice' but you know as you being my tutor for biology I thought you'd be better than this, but I guess I was wrong. You thought me right from wrong on our quizzes, I thought I could possibly trust you.

Until the night of Luke's party. You introduced me to Jackson and you told me that I should drink, and get out of my comfort zone. So I did. But do you remember what you put in my shots Kat? Do you? No well I'll tell you, Morphine. I got so dizzy but just enough right? So jackson could have his way or was I too dizzy? do you remember? Yes, I do, but I didn't mean it like that.

Well Kat, now you have no way to apologize, because now I'm forever sleeping. Go find Jackson, Find another innocent girl to drug for him. Do me a favor and Go to the church down on main street on the 25th. Maybe then you could Apologize.

Sincerely Hated,
Max Moore.

Kat realized how this affected Max, but then again all she wanted was to be popular since the day she started Primary school and she finally had the chance. Jackson gave her the Morphine to put in Max's drinks and unfortunately to drink every last bit. She's gone now and there is not way Kat can ever repay her for the pain that she caused Max.

The least Kat can do is go see her on the 25th.

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