Reason four,

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Dear Jayden,

I know you're my brother, but I can sense you didn't really want me there with you. Saying as we aren't that close, or that you're not my blood brother. Jay, I never thought that I would say this to you but I hope you miss me. You were all I had left after Michael and ashton left.

But, I understand if you laughing and thinking this isn't real, just go to my room and you'll find out. Jayden got up off his bed with the letter, and opened his former sisters door too see her lifeless body and that's when he broke down. I loved you Jay, I just knew you didn't return the feeling.

I always dreamed of having an older brother who would kill for his baby sister, but that wasn't you. Nobody cared to protect me ever. That's why I felt the need to leave, maybe start over by myself. MAX! I LOVE YOU jay cried. I hoped that one day you would come up to me and ask if I wanted to hangout with you. But that day never came.

If you want to say your goodbyes, Meet me at the church down on main street on the 25th, I already arranged everything. I love you Jay.

Sincerely Hated,
Max Moore.

Jay sat on his blue comforter and thought for hours, until he realized that She truly loved him and he never cared to show how much he meant to her. Jayden went to his mom who had a letter of her own, and said "January 25th, we show her how much we really care." Max was fortunate enough to have seen that.

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