Reason fourteen,

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Dear Jordan,

You introduced me into some fantastic music, I thank you for that. I know you would always have my back. You were a lot more mature than anyone who attended my high school, its unfortunate that I won't graduate, but things happen for a reason.

The music you gave me really got my mind off of how horrible I was feeling, or what was going around school about me, It felt nice to know I had that lifeline. You gave me that lifeline.

Then when summer rolled around, you ignored me, I didn't get much music recommended by you anymore. You totally ditched me. I came by your store today, to tell you goodbye but I saw you making out with some blonde girl who looked like Jessica.

I just wish I could've said goodbye. I wish I let you Tell me goodbye. But I let you go on with your makeout session and I left. Just remember, You were an amazing friend, that girl is lucky to have you. Can I ask for a favor? Yes. Could you meet me down at the church down on main street on the 25th? It's really important to me that you show up.

Sincerely Hated,
Max Moore.

He looked up at the stars, Then back down to the cigarette in one hand and the letter in the other. Jordan's face was stained with tears. Max was really important to him, He even had some new records to give her but those were no use anymore. He couldn't sleep with the though of her gone so he laid under the stars. He swore he saw a twinkle in the corner of his eye, and he called that star, Max.

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