Reason five,

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Dear Luke,

Never in a million years did I think you were gonna notice me. You could probably have any girl begging for you, but you decided to get to know me. For a while I thought you liked me, And I don't know why because I wasn't attractive at any point of my life, but I just had hope.

Then you used me, you had sex with me and left. You took my virginity for godsakes, and you didn't even mind to say Sorry or anything. Max, Your virginity? I thought you were not one of those snobby rich kids who thinks they can get anything they want, but I was wrong.

I didn't want to judge a book by it's cover. But I guess I should have. You were one of Jay's friends, He didn't care that I was even alive in the first place, but you did for like 3 seconds and then realized I wasn't worth your expensive time and left me. You were worth my time, Max. I really thought I would have a chance at one point but then it hit me, How could someone like you like me when you have the whole girl student body drooling over you?

I thought it was some sort of miracle, but the truth is the miracle was me not telling you i loved you, and leaving. You loved me Max? Meet me at that church down on main street on the 25th, I'll you again blondie just don't take anyone else's virginity unless your serious about them okay?

Sincerely Hated,
Max Moore.

Luke sat there, in shock, Max loved him? probably not for long since that was a year ago, but it still meant something to him. Nobody has said that they loved luke before and it stunned him. He needed to see her one more time, and that time was the 25th of january.

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