Reason nine,

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Dear Jackson,

I hope you burn in hell, if we're being honest here. Thanks, Max means a lot. You know, at first you were sweet, nice and cuddly with your brunette hair and green eyes. But I saw or felt a different side of you. Thanks for drugging me though, Because I'm sure it was even good. Ouch.

You know, Now with your reputation, you'll never get a girl without the help of Morphine right? Because for all I know you're so lonely that you have to have people help you with drugging innocent girls.

I was waiting for an apology for as long as I can remember, but now that I'm gone I wont ever feel the pleasure of you saying what you did was wrong. I know it was wrong, I wasn't thinking. Well Maybe there is one way you could possibly pull your head out of your behind and say sorry, and I know just the way.

Meet me at that church down on Main street, on the 25th. I hope karma comes back around to you and it bites you in the ass.

Sincerely Hated,
Max Moore.

Jackson looked back on the events of Calum's party, it was killer, literally. He laid down and stared at the ceiling and realized, he was part of the reason someone died, and it ripped him up inside and out. He chose max because he thought maybe she wouldn't remember and give him a shot. Now he just need closure, and the only way was the 25th of january.

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