Reason twelve,

116 9 2

Dear Olivia,

We shared common interests, like watching Netflix with ice cream and sweatpants. But on prom night which you attended and I stayed home. I can't remember who took you just that they weren't good at driving.

They swerved, running into a gas pump, with blew the car to shreds as the exposed gasoline lit on fire. You didn't have enough time to escape with the horrible wound. I attended your funeral, it was just how you would've liked it. I cried for days straight, and I still can help but think what if you stayed home with me. Oh Max, Baby, It wasn't your fault.

I wanted so badly to go with you, but your date said three's a crowd so I stayed home and watched Catfish. Our favorite show. I'm sorry that I couldn't have helped, but I'll be with you soon enough Liv.

If Sam is reading this, Please make sure my tomb is next too hers, and Meet me at the church down on main street the morning of the 25th. You guys were my true family.

Sincerely Hated,
Max Moore.

As olivia's mom read the letter her daughter wrote for her other daughter she cried, and cried. She lost yet another important girl in her life. She kept the thought of putting her tombstone in by the family's she deserves it. But first the 25th needs to roll around.

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