French {Jean}

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Jean×Reader Oneshot
Highschool AU
Jean's PoV

I tapped my pencil repeatedly on the table. French was so boring and our teacher never said a word in English. The only good thing about this dumb class was the absolutely gorgeous girl/boy sitting a couple seats in front of me in the next row over. Their h/c hair looked so soft and unlike anyone else I'd ever seen. They never looked back at me which I'm actually kind of grateful for considering I'm kind of always staring at them.

"Jean, Pouvez-vous lire ce qui est sur l'écran?" I looked up at Monsieur Ackerman. He glared at me like always, gesturing to the weird French words on the screen. I glanced at the phrase on the board.

"Er...Commentaire si vous êtes en train de traduire ces phrases en français...?" I said a little shakily. Everyone was turning around to look at me. Shit even Y/n. They chuckled a little and turned back to face the front.

"Assez bon, gosse." Monsieur Ackerman turned away and started passing out some worksheet.

Awhile later...

I bit my lip in frustration as I stared down at the paper. I put my pencil to my temple in attempt to connect it to my brain. The bell rang and papers rustled as people shoved them into their bags.

"Jean." I flinched as I heard my name. I turned slowly ro come face to face with Monsieur Ackerman.


"We're not in class you can talk in English. Anyways, you're failing. I suggest you get help from one of our better students like Y/n. That's all." I sighed and walked out. But hey, at least this would be an excuse to talk to Y/n.

Your PoV

You read through one of the last chapters of your favorite book when you felt a presence next to you. You looked up to see Jean Kirstein nervously tapping his foot on the ground in front of you. Your eyes wandered from his feet to his eyes.

"Jean?" You questioned. He never usually talked to you, so this was strange.

"Er, hi.....Hi Y/n. Monsieur Ackerman, h-he uh, he told me I need to get- You need to tutor me in....In French," he said. His voice ranged from being so fast that you could barely understand him and being so slow that it hurt. His voice cracked a lot too, you noticed.

"Okay yeah. Meet me at the library after school?" You suggested. He gulped and nodded.

"O-Okay," he said, swiping his hands down his jacket.

"Do you want to sit with me?" You asked.

"I uh, do YOU want me to?"

"You can if you want." You marked the page in your book and set it down in the empty seat next to you. You couldn't set it on the table in risk of food getting all over it.

"S-So, how's life?" He asked. You noticed he cringed a little at his own words, but decided to ignore it.

"It's as good as far as life goes. How's yours?" You asked with a small chuckle.

"I mean it's pretty good right now," Jean responded a little shakily.

"Just right now or all the time?"

"Most of the time. Right now especially." You shot a sly grin at him. You could visibly see his anxiety washing away.

"What's so special about right now?" You asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively. The color drained from Jean's face slowly but surely.

"I-uh.... MARCO!" He called, noticing his freckled friend. You turned to come face to face with those heavenly features. Mostly all of the girls and some guys had tried attempting a date or two with Marco Bott, but it was no use. He was never interested. You yourself had never particularly fancied him.

"Oh hi Jean. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said, making his way towards you with a lunch tray in hand. He was about to steal the seat next to you, but upon noticing the book, he took the one on the other side of Jean.

"Uh, nope! Actually you're just in time because you can meet Y/n. Uh, you're both smart and yes that's great," he said quickly. He was hiding something. You just knew it, and finding out would be your top priority after school. Well, obviously not before tutoring Jean and getting his French grade up. Maybe.

Jean's PoV

I stood up to go get some water to hopefully calm myself down. God, Y/n's so confident, and I know they were messing with me. That smile. The questions. The raising of the eyebrows.

I really hope they don't know I like them.

I walked back to the table to see them and Marco immersed in conversation about some book.

After school...

I walked into the library with my backpack slung over a shoulder. It was heavier than usual since Monsieur Ackerman made me use the textbook. I walked around looking for
Y/n. I spotted them at a table, thumbing through the pages of the same book from lunch. They had a concentrated face. Eyebrows knit together and lips pursed. I didn't really want to interrupt, but I also didn't really have much of a choice. I set my backpack down and took the seat across from

"Oh hi," they said, snapping out of the fictional world in which they were previously lost in.

"Hi," I said. The butterflies in my stomache kicked up. Oh boy.

"So, should we just go over pronunciations and what we did in class?" They asked, tucking a bit of hair behind their ear and setting the book aside. I wonder what it would be like if I tucked that bit of hair back. It's probably really soft. It sure looks that way.

"Uh yeah."

"You say 'uh' a lot, don't you?" Y/n said.

"Wh-What?!" I exclaimed. They laughed a little. God it was cute.

"I'm kidding. Well, you do say 'uh' a lot. But it's not a bad thing," they said, opening up a notebook.


"So you never answered my question." Eh?

"Question about what?"

"Why life was so good, especially at lunch." Oh. Another bit of hair fell in front of their face. Y/n peered up through it and gave me that smile. The butterflies erupted in my stomache and now I was a disgusting sweaty mess. Even moreso than that titan of a kid Bertholdt.

"Well I mean uh, it was lunch. Yes, lunch is my favorite class!" Great, I'm an idiot.

"Are you sure?" They scooted slightly closer to me. It didn't seem in a flirtatious or suggestive way. They don't even realize they're making me go mad on the inside.

"No. In all honesty it's because of you," I blurted. Now that THAT was off my chest, the butterflies seemed to get a little more passive.

"Me?!" They raised their eyebrows in bewilderment. Pure genuine confusion spread across their face.

"YeahIreallylikeyouandIjustgotnervousanduhyesthisisawkwardsorry," I said that all in one big breath. Y/n blinked. Another goofy grin formed on their face.

"It all makes sense now," they said. Wait what does that mean? Do they like me back? Do they not? This is all so confusing.


"Jean I know you stare at me in French I'm not an idiot," they said while giggling.

"HOW?!" I jumped up, almost knocking my chair back.

"Eren told me so. I didn't believe him but he managed to snap some pictures of you." The bastard took pictures of me in class?

"I uh...Oh," I whispered.

"It's okay though. I kind of like you too," They said.

"Kind of...?" I asked. Thank God the butterflies had seemed to fly away from my stomache.

"Maybe not all the way YET." They accentuated the word yet. There's hope for me.

"Well, this changes things," I said with a smile.

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