Chapter 10 : confession

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I put down the dress on my bed looking at it nervously, The exposé was going to open in three hours and I'm not ready yet, Lee soo was out god knows where but she was going to attend the expose since the boys were going to be there. '' Are you ready yet ?'' Tyler called me while I was applying my last touch of make up, ''Ok, I'm waiting for you downstairs''. I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror and saw a moroccan girl, with curled hair hanging up leaving only few strands falling down my neck, a light smokey eye with black and brown shades to make my eyes appear more,tonight I decided to not wear my glasses I went with lenses and hoped not to regret this decision , soft pale pink lipstick and a long black dress with with flower laces slightly showing my chest, tight on the top and loose on the end. I felt like a true princess, Tyler never disappointed me, he knew how to make me look good. The only thing I hated was those high heels, they were so painful , and I hated feeling uncomfortable in my clothes that's why I always wear snickers, but today I wanted to look as feminine as I could. Tyler was downstairs waiting for me in front of his car, he was wearing a black suit and put his hair back, he really was handsome. '' you look gorgeous !'' he said with wide eyes '' I m so proud of myself ! I made a miracle !'' he teased while leading me to the car. He couldn't wait one minute before trowing a joke on me !! 

The gallery was still closed, and Tyler lead me in covering my eyes with his hands, '' are you ready ?'' he asked '' actually I m afraid but what the hell!'' as he uncovered my eyes, I froze  surprised, shocked and fascinated by what I just saw. Tyler has been secretly taking photos of me, they re were ones were I was crying on the phone while calling back home, one when I slept in the classroom, one while I was eating... I was wondering around the gallery looking at spontaneous  portraits of me, I stopped in a big one all the way down the hall, I was laughing my heart out in this one and It made a tear run down my face as Tyler stood next to me and said '' your soul is beautiful Rita, and it's reflecting on you '' I couldn't hold it back looked at him and burst out in tears. He hugged me until I started calming myself down '' SHIT !'' I jumped pulling away from him '' My smoky eye!!'' he sighted and look at me with  that are you serious look and lead me to the bathroom.

Guest started coming up and I didn't leave Tyler's side, we were speaking with sponsors, teachers, artists all kind of people. I leaned again for the 100 th time towards the door, ''don't worry they'll come'' Tyler said with a comforting smile '' the only thing I m worried about is my feet in these high heels'' I said between a forced smile '' then lean against my arm '', I did as he asked although the pain was killing me, our teacher came running towards us '' great news you two ! you won't believe who came! JYP himself and one of his successful groups called GOT7 '' he said all exited '' it will be a good opportunity for our university to have a partnership with his company '' as the professor asked us to go to the entrance to welcome them, Tyler whispered '' calm down and play it cool'' he understood what I felt in that moment, he is truly a friend. We stood up waiting, until three big cars parked in front of the building, the boys and JYP came out and you could see the photographers agitating all over the place. He stood in front of us bowed and started chatting with the professor, the boys were all in suits and as I turned my eyes to welcome them, they were all standing there looking at me fascinated, Jackson was smiling and I could see he liked my outfit, JB and jinyoung were looking at me with a serious yet capturing look. We bowed to each other then the fallowed their producer inside. The gallery started filling up and I couldn't see the boys anymore, I walked down the hall to find jackson standing in front of the biggest portrait ( the one i was laughing my heart out in it) I stood next to him and he said still contemplating the portrait '' you look...incredibly...beautiful'' I blushed and said '' thank you'' he turned facing me '' as of tonight you look breathtaking '' I blushed with his sincerity, he was looking at me with such love and passion I was lost in his eyes, he held my hand came closer and said ''I have been wanting to ask you something'' ''here you are ''  Tyler said interrupting us, Jackson pulled his hand away as JYP was coming, '' he wants to talk to us '' tyler said pulling me away from jackson, I looked back and jackson was still following me with his eyes, then he gave me the sweetest smile ever.

JYP was blabbing about the project and his company' s success I just wanted to go back to jackson I was curious about what he wanted to say , plus he was super chic tonight with his white tight shirt and black jeans, and his short messy black hair. '' excuse me one minute '' I said to them as I pretended to go to the bathroom, those heels were killing me as I searched everywhere for him, I got outside (the back of the gallery) and nobody was there so I decided to rest my feet a little, I took off the high heals as I heard the door opening. '' Are you ok?'' Jb said with a worried look '' I m fine ! don't worry'' I smiled. while I was massaging my feet a little I heard him saying '' your photos are so beautiful, and tonight you look stunning'' he said nervously. I stood up looked at him and smiled, he suddenly grabbed my hand, and pushed me against the wall, He put his other hand on it like he was blocking my way, he was very close to me and I was blushing hard ''Rita..'' he whispered while gazing at my lips, he started bitting his and I knew he was going to kiss me, he leaned over and I said with a shaky voice '' please stop,'' , "why?'' he said looking up at my eyes. '' because I like Jackson'' I said pulling him away, he stood i his place , surprised, then he sighted  grabbing his neck '' Ahhh ! that bastard! ''. he looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile '' then let me take you inside, he must be waiting for you'' he grabbed my hand and we got back inside. IT was the end of the expose and no sight of Jackson, I was too tired so I asked Tyler to drive me back to the dorms. The boys were going to leave with their producer when JB throw me a sweet smile before riding the car. I felt very bad for rejecting him ! 

'' Do you want me to help you walk till your room's door ?'' Tyler asked with a worried look, '' no it's ok " I gave him a hug and went out of the car bare feet . '' hey '' Jackson said appearing behind the bushes , I run towards him '' what are you doing here '', He rubbed his neck nervously and said '' I want to ask you something '' , I looked at him curious and my heart was pounding so fast '' did you kiss JB?'' he asked looking at my eyes with a sad expression '' NO!! of course not !'' I screamed , I explained him the situation,apparently Jackson saw when JB followed me inside and saw us when we went back holding hands so he got it all wrong that's why he left early. After I tried to explain the hall thing he laughed ,he was glad, so I looked down and said '' besides I told him I like you instead''. There was no respond only silence, when I raised my eyes Jackson was looking at me wide eyes surprised '' R..really?'' he asked with his cute childish smile, I nodded and he jumped on me hugging me so tightly, I was small in his arms and I could feel I was safe, my heart was racing and I loved that feeling of warmth and love. He pulled back slowly and grabbed my face with a serious sexy look, that's it !! I was waiting for this moment, so I closed my eyes and waited for his move. His lips softly touched my forehead and  kissed it slowly, I was a little disappointed but I liked that Jackson didn't rush things, he was so patient and sweet, a real gentleman, besides the image he gives out of wild and sexy, jackson was a shy, polite and kind person. We hugged again and went separate ways, that was the best night in my entire life !

The exotic flower (GOT7 Jackson x Jb x reader love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now