The English bums

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Beverley's POV
"Beep beep beep."
I groaned and turned over to face my alarm clock,or aka my worst enemy. I tapped the top of it with my left hand and rolled out of bed. Today started out a week before school ended. I was excited, but it was stressful for me. Especially since I'm a junior and all these grades go to my senior classes. But summer was the end of that, stress free, boy drama free, teacher free, etc!
I walked over to my closet and pulled out a nice oversize red tee shirt and a pair of black leggings. After I threw those on I threw my hair up into a high ponytail and glanced at my face in the mirror. It was covered in acne, and a couple of freckles that were just under my lower lip. I smiled and walked out of my room.
Now, most girls would walk up to me and say that I should wear makeup, but it's always 6:30 A.M and that's the last thing I think about. I don't care what anyone thinks about me, and plus all I want to do is go back to bed. I walked down the fluffy stairs and yawned as I reached the bottom.
My mom turned around and glanced up and down at my outfit.
"That shirt is a little too big for you don't you think?"
I shrugged and shook my head.
"I don't really think so. But it goes good with my leggings."
She smirked and turned back around, continuing to cook pancakes. Her hazel hair was pulled back into a big messy bun, and she had pancake batter coating her face.
I walked over to her and let the smell of the food fill my nose. It was a great cakey smell with a hint of blueberries and syrup. She flipped the pancakes and looked up at me.
"Just a little bit,"I responded.
She nodded,picked up a pancake with her spatula, and placed it on a pink plate in front of me.
"Eat up. We leave in ten."
I nodded and sat down at the table.
Soon my sister trotted down the stairs,grabbed a plate and sat with me. I knitted my eyebrows and held back a laugh. She had on super dark eyeshadow with around 50 coats of mascara. And to top it off, sheer pink lipgloss coated every inch of her lips. She was eight, but owned about every single makeup product in all of North Dakota.
"What, Beves?"
I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head.
She cocked her head and sighed.
"Do you think I should add more eyeshadow? I thought it looked a little light today."
I set my elbow on the table, placed my finger in the bottom of my ponytail and continued to shake my head.
"Your makeup looks fine,Jessica."

After my mom,Jessica and I hopped in the car we drove off and had a completely silent car ride.
Once we arrived at Middletown High School, I looked out the window and saw all kids of shapes and sizes walk up to the door. I was always nervous of what would happen. Any kid could be my new best friend, or my bully. I jumped out and waved goodbye. Adjusting my backpack straps, I shut the door and looked up, spotting my best friends Henry and Tatiana.
"Hey brainiacs!" I shouted as I ran up to them, my ponytail flapping in the wind.
Tatiana smiled gently as she braided her hair into tiny pigtails. Henry glanced up from his Nintendo D.S and quickly nodded.
"Mario Kart?" I asked.
"Mario kart two. The extended version," he responded without looking up.
Tatiana elbowed him.
"We are going to be in college soon and all you can think about is stupid kid games?"
Henry groaned.
"Tati you don't understand," he whispered.
I laughed.
Tatiana rolled her eyes and finished wrapping an elastic band around one of her pigtails.
"Well we should probably head in," I said. And and that moment we all walked in and the school day had officially started.
My first period is English, my favorite period of the whole day. I had an A+ and my teacher, Mrs.Lorwey, was just the greatest.

"Okay class, today I am assigning you the last project of the school year. A book report!"
Everyone groaned. Okay,maybe not now she's the greatest, but she was earlier.
She smiled and adjusted her glasses. She was short and had high cheekbones (one of the things I admired about her.)
"Not just any normal book report," she sighed and tinkered with a pencil on her desk,"You will have partners, that I have picked, and you will be reenacting your 3 favorite parts of the book."
Everyone's eyes widened.
"But what if all my three favorite parts involve sexs?" the class clown, Damon yelled aloud.
Mostly everyone laughed, besides me.
Mrs. Lorwey cleared her throat.
"Damon would you like me to lower your grade?"
He rolled his eyes and set his feet on top of his desk.
She smiled wickedly and clapped her hands.
"Let's get to assigning partners!"
Whenever a teacher assigns partners, you know it's never going to be good.
You could be assigned to be with that one kid that likes to eat whatever he can get his hands on, or you can be with that one girl that hates your guts.
"Beverley, you're with Damon."
Or you could be with the worlds most annoying boy.
He chuckled.
"I get to be with the lame teachers pet? Oh Ms," he said setting down his feet,"With her, my grade will increase."
He licked his lips and glanced over at me.
I hid my head under my hands and cried mentally.
Once everyone paired up with their partners, Damon would not stop giving me a disgusted look.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"What book do you want to read?"
He groaned.
"You pick the most complicated one, nerd."
I sighed and pulled out my phone.
"We can read....Finnegans Wake."
His jaw dropped.
"Is that about a zombie coming from the dead?"
I slapped my forehead and slowly shook my head.
"You're....something else."
He grinned.
"Why thank you."
"Can we read it or what?"
"Whatever gets us a good grade, sweetheart."
He frowned,looked down at his nails and bit his lip.
I've known Damon since eighth grade. He used to be funny and sweet, but ever since his sister died in a car accident, he's been nothing but insecure and jerk-like.
I nodded and wrote Finnegans wake on a piece of loose leaf paper.
"We only have a week to read this."
He looked up and nodded without a care.
"Okay meet me at the library after school."
I knitted my eyebrows.
"You're really determined."
"Yeah, well you're doing all the work."
And at the moment the bell rang and he was out.

Love at first cruiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें