Lying to mothers

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Beverley's POV
I woke up to the downstairs door shutting again. My clock read 1:15 A.M.
I debated in my head wether to go check who walked in or not. It was probably my dad. I soon decided I should, and walked out of my bedroom.
I heard liquid being poured, then chopping of a knife. That part scared me. I slowly walked down the stairs, then peeked around the corner that was attached to my kitchen and my living room.
Sure enough, it was my dad pouring seven up and chopping up an apple. I sighed of relief and rolled my eyes.
"Dad really?"
He rotated his body half around and sighed.
"You again," he said, sarcastically.
I silently gasped. Man, was I offended.
"Excuse me? You again? Boy, I love you too."
He took a sip of his soda and chuckled.
"Go back to bed, my dear. It's late."
"Glad you're just noticing. You're a little late. You know, mom works her ass off cooking dinner and helping Jess and I prepare for our future. You know what you do? You come home late. You barely even have a connection with us!God KNOWS what you're doing downtown," I explained, chocked up.
He seemed a little shocked, taken off by the fact his mouth was a open an inch and his eyes were a bit wide.
"Whatever, night," I said, running back up to my room.
You could say I gave my dad a hard time down there. But after two years of coming home late, I think we all deserved an explanation.

Damon's POV
I woke up late, surrounded by posters, markers, and glue. I sighed and sat up, scanning my room. It was a mess. But, at least I had the project done. That lead my mind to Beverley. Man, she was pretty. Damon, stop. I realized how much I missed her, and her sweet soft lips. Oh god I have a problem.
I stood up, brushing off pieces of dry glue and cut up pieces of paper.
I smiled. I was really happy that I had finished it. And I was really happy with my idea. I decided I needed to see Beverley, and talk to her about this. And apologize for the millionth time.

A hour rolls by, and I had finally finished getting dressed, brushing my teeth and hair, and of course gelling my hair. Doing your hair is a big process actually. You have to make sure it looks good by making faces in the mirror and of course showing off your biceps.
Lastly, I threw on my dark blue leather jacket and headed down the stairs.
"I'm going out! Be back in an hour!" I shouted.
Once I reached the last step, my mom raced out of the kitchen and into my view.
"Where you going honey?" She asked, whipping a dish towel on her left wrist.
"Just to a....friends house."
She licked her lips and smiled. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun with a runners headband across her forehead. She was also wearing the apron I had gotten her for Christmas a couple years ago. It read "kiss the cook."
"You going over to Katie's house? You know I don't like her," she said glancing out the door.
I shook my head.
"No, ma."
I didn't want to tell her about the whole break up situation. I wasn't ready, but I was kind of relived.
She did one quick nod and sighed.
"Alright well, be home before dinner."
I nodded and walked down the last step, heading out the door.
The ride to Beverley's house was crazy. There were tons of cars on the street, and I hit about every red light there was. Once I got to her house, I took a deep breath.
It was a nice house, with lots of bushes and trees.
The house itself was painted a nice brown color with wood block shutters. I walked up the walkway and smiled. I was hoping Beves would be happy I was here. Plus, I really wanted to see that gorgeous face of hers again.
Before I knew it, I was knocking on the door. A faint,"I'll get it," came from the inside.
Suddenly I heard a key unlocking, and a small hand opened the door. I glanced up, relived that that small hand belonged to Beverley.
"Damon? What are you doi-"
My hands moved quicker than my mind. I immediately grasped her hips and spun her around, placing my lips onto hers. But, she pulled away quicker then I thought she would.
She slammed the door and examined my face.
"What was THAT for?" She screamed.
I sighed.
"Beaver- I mean Beves I'm sorry for last night. I just couldn't help myself. I kind of realized I had feelings for you. I just...went for it," I explained.
I looked down at the ground but felt a hand caress my chin and lift it up.
"I forgive you. Yes you made a mistake, but you've apologized enough and I guess I have to get over it sooner or later," Beverley stated.
I grinned ear to ear, and leaned in.
"Damon, stop right there," she whispered.
I exhaled and itched the top of my head.
Then I remembered the more important reason I came.
"Oh! Beaver I came here to tell you something else."
She smiled.
"I finished the project."
Her eyes widened slowly but her mouth formed into a big fat grin.
"Aw Damon. Seriously?"
I blushed.
"Yeah. Seriously."
She shook her head and hugged me. She let go after a couple of seconds and sighed.
"You know I'm going to miss you this summer."
I shrugged.
"We could always hang out."
She squinted.
"I don't know. I'm going on a cruise and I don't know how long that will take."
I reached for her hand and interlaced our fingers together.
"Ah I'm going on a cruise too, actually. But I'm working on the ship."
She looked down at our hands and immediately looked back up. She didn't seem to mind that much.
"Well, should we rehearse the project?"
I sighed.
"Actually, I have it under control."
She tilted her head in confusion.
I explained her my idea, and how she would only be in parts of it.
She smiled after it.
"I'm really proud of you Da-."
All of a sudden the door opened, and a food covered face popped out, smiling.
"Ah who's this young fellow?"
Beverley's face turned bright red and looked up at me.
"Mom...he's uh he's my-"
"Boyfriend," I said, reaching my hand out to shake her mother's hand.
She shook it and winked at me. Finally her mom shut the door after mouthing something to Beves.
Beverley looked up at me and took a deep breath.
"Great, now she's going to ask how we're doing every five seconds," she told me, slapping her hands on her legs.
"I'm sorry, I...sorry."
She shrugged.
"Ah it's okay. Well I should go. See you tomorrow," she said, walking back into her house and shutting the door.
I felt like an idiot, but I really wanted her.

Sorry this chapter kinda sucks. But I hope you guys liked it!

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