Jess meets a new friend

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Beverley's POV
I went to sleep at one A.M that night. it wasn't the smartest idea, but that's what I get when watching YouTube videos all night.
Jess woke me up at 7:15, which was way too early. But I had to hurry up, because we left for the cruise in forty five minutes.
Once I was all dressed and partially not ugly (thanks to makeup) I headed downstairs, where my mom was counting things off of her list.
"Blankets, check. Toothbrushes, check. Chargers...where's our chargers?"
She ran over to the kitchen counter and threw her hands all over the place. Man, she was stressed.
"Mom do you need help?"
She glanced up with a charger in her hand, and she placed a palm on her forehead.
"No I-I'm fine. Grab an apple. We leave soon."
"Mom seriously what's the matter?"
She took a deep breath and played with the cord of the charger.
"I was up puking last night. My stomach hurts like hell. I'm a mess."
my eyes widened.
"Maybe we should take you to the doctor. I don't think the cruise is the best place for you to go then," I told her, placing my left hand on her back.
She bit her lip and slowly shook her head.
"No we're going."
I sighed.
"If anything bad happens...we can see a medic. Theres professional doctors on the ship."
I looked down at the white tile floor and nodded.
Suddenly my door let out a loud creak and I shot my head up.
"All loaded!" my dad said, holding the door open.
My mom let out a weak smile and held her list in her hand, tightly.
"Shall we go?"
Jess ran down the stairs with a Ken Barbie doll in her hand.
I was super concerned for my mom. She rarely got sick. When she did, it was either a cold or just a stomachache.
My dad winked at me and I headed out the door.
The car was packed. Suitcases filled the trunk, and packets of animal crackers were stuffed inside our cup holders. Jess buckled herself into her booster seat, while my mom held her stomach while she buckled.
"Mom are you sure you want to go?" I said, leaning over her front seat.
She nodded.
"It'll break Jess's heart if we don't go. Plus, it's probably just a small virus going around," she said, cautiously.
We waited a couple more minutes, and my dad finally hopped into his seat. He turned around to get my check of approval if we were all ready. I half nodded, and he immediately started the engine.
I plugged my headphones into my phone and lost my thoughts as soon as I turned on my music. My favorite type of genre was classical, which may sound boring if you're into today's hip hop. When I was little, I loved going to my grandmothers house who recently died of breast cancer. She had a violin that I loved to play with. I was awful at it, but the violin introduced me to classical music which has really made an impact in my life. It calms me down whenever something awful happens.
Soon I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to face the person who that hand belonged to. Jessica.
I glanced at her window and gasped. There I saw clear blue water, surfers riding waves, girls doing flips on the sand, Dolphins jumping in the was paradise.
"Here we are!" my dad shouted, pulling into the parking lot.
"It's...gorgeous." I said. I felt like I was in some kind of beach movie. Hopefully not Jaws.
Jess smiled and soon we were parked.
"You go ahead and get in line with Jess. Your dad and I will haul out the suitcases," my mom said.
Jess turned to me and grinned. She was really excited. It made me happy.
We both hopped out of our car doors and started heading towards the ship. The ship was in a shallow area, where it would head off once everyone had boarded. There was a long sidewalk where all the passengers were lining up. Jess and I hopped in the back.
"I'm so excited!" Jess yelled.
I chuckled.
A tall girl in front of us turned around and adjusted her eyes toward Jessica. She looked like a Freshman in college. Just about. She had long, wavy dark hair and sharp blue eyes.
"You're adorable!" she said.
Jess tilted her head and smiled. She is  used to this kind of attention.
"Thanks," I said, looking down at her.
The girl then took her arm and pulled a boy into our view.
"This is my son, Michael."
I knitted my eyebrows. Son?
She must've read my confusion because she chuckled and said,"I'm a single mother. Back in high school uh, I made the wrong decisions. But I'm glad i made this one." She smiled at Michael.
He was an adorable little boy. He had tan skin, and dark brown hair coating his head and forehead.
Jessica waved at him and blushed. Was my little sister was developing a crush already?
"I'm Beverley," I said, shaking her hand.
She smiled.
"I'm Lia. Nice to meet you. What part of California do you come from?"
"Oakland. You?"
I nodded and my parents finally came trudging up.
"What did you pack in this thing, Jess?" my mom asked.
"Clothes and stuff animals."
I laughed.
Michael gasped.
"What kind?"
Jess smiled wickedly.
"Can I play with them mommy?" he asked.
Lia chuckled and picked him up.
"When we get on you guys can play. If it's alright with her mother."
My mom nodded and smiled.

Once we finally boarded the ship, I raced to the edge. Waves crashed against it. The sound was somewhat relaxing.
Jessica and Michael started running around, playing tag.
"Beves come on! Let's go to our room," my mom shouted. I walked up to her and followed her down a pair of stairs. The hallway to our room was decorated with maroon and yellow crown wallpaper. I thought it was a smart idea, considering the ship business was called Crown Waters. We had the last room on the first floor. It was pretty convenient. We could just walk out of our room, and there standing was a glass door that we could just walk out onto the ship balcony. We unlocked our bedroom door and stepped in. It was a pretty basic room. There were two beds, one for my mom and dad and one for Jess and I, and a bathroom that had a huge jacuzzi tub, toilet and small sink.
We set our stuff against the wall that separated the beds and the bathroom and I sat on the bed.
"Aren't you going to go explore?" my mom asked.
I shrugged. I'd rather sleep. I had a small headache, but she did have a point. There were so many rooms on this ship. And and that moment, I ran out.

Love at first cruiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora