The cruise awaits

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Beverley's POV
I smiled the whole way home. I was glad I kissed Damon. Especially since he liked me.
"The last day go well?" My mom asked, turning into our driveway.
"Awesome," I told her, unbuckling my seatbelt.
She smiled.
"I'm glad. We leave at eight in the morning to leave for the cruise. You packed?"
I bit my lip. I was barely packed. I had like one shirt and two pairs of socks.
"I'm almost done," I lied.
Once we parked in the garage I ran inside, and up to my bedroom.
My suitcase was laid out in the corner of my bedroom, by my white dresser. My dresser was far too small. I had had it since I was five, and I had to bend down to put anything in it.
I picked up my suitcase and threw it onto my bed. Once I did that, I started rummaging through my closet. Jeans and tee shirts flew everywhere. Some even landed in my case. Talented? I must say.
Soon Jess walked in, holding a pink lollipop.
"You're not even close to being done. Are you?" She asked.
"How did you-"
I turned around and gasped. Clothes. Were. Everywhere. On my bed, on my floor, on my nightstand, EVERYWHERE.
I laughed nervously.
"Do you need help, Bevey?"
I shook my head a little.
"Yeah that would be great."
She licked her lollipop and walked over to me.
She looked adorable. Her hair was pulled back into two pigtails, and she was wearing a red polo with a white tutu.
She sat down next to me and started folding pairs of leggings. To my surprise, she was a huge help.
In around an hour, I was fully packed and ready to go. Since we lived in California, I was happy that the ocean where the ship was boarding was only a good forty five minutes away. I never did good in long car rides and airplanes.
Soon Jess walked out and my mom walked in, eyes widening at the mess.
"Bring your suitcase down. And...clean up this horrendous mess, my dear."
I nodded and picked up my red leather suitcase, following her down the stairs.
To my surprise, my dad was down in the kitchen looking at bills and letters. He looked distressed and almost worried.
"Why? Why? Uhhh...." He mumbled.
I frowned and set my suitcase in front of the door.
"You alright?" I would've called him dad, but I didn't know what he was to me at this point.
He glanced up at me and turned red, like a bright cherry.
"Uh yeah. I'm fine. I'm great."
I sighed.

Damon's POV
Once I got home, I was already packed for the cruise. I had to leave at eight thirty in the morning. Super early. But I knew it was worth it. I was working on it to earn some cash. It might be a boring job, it might be a fun job. Who knows? I was also a little sad. I was leaving my mom and dad alone for two whole weeks. But of course they probably won't mind. I am a handful.
Also, I may meet some cute girls along the way. Maybe get some digits.
"Dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs.
"Yes!" I said quietly, running down the stairs. I was starving.
My dad and I ran through the kitchen entrance together, and sat down. Mom served us chicken and broccoli in front of us, and then sat down across from me.
"How was your last day of school?" She asked, shoving a broccoli in her mouth.
I shrugged. I wanted to say it was awesome. I mean Beverley kissed me AND I did a pretty good job on my English report. But I just acted cool.
"It was good."
She smiled.
"I'm glad. Do you know any of your final grades?"
"I got a B on my science final. But that's all I know of."
She nodded.
"Katie called the other day. Doesn't she have your number?" My dad asked, drinking a sip of his coke.
I sighed. I guess they didn't know about the whole break up situation. Now was the time.
"She broke up with me and now wants me back. But what she did is for the best anyway. Plus, I have my eye on someone else."
I shoved a piece of chicken in my mouth and looked up at my mom. She had a big grin on her face. She hated Katie. I mean, I didn't blame her. Katie did treat my mom like her own personal chef. She would always tell her to make chocolate chip cookies and deliver beverages to my room.
"Who's the lucky girl?" My dad asked cutting a piece of his chicken.
My mom smiled.
"Go on."
My dad looked up at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Are you gay?"
I knitted my eyebrows.
He took it off and took a deep breath.
"I'd just rather not talk about her."
They exchanged looks and shrugged. I think they understood, because they just went back to cutting their food and shoving broccoli in their mouth.
I didn't want them to know about Beverley yet. We weren't exactly a "thing" yet. Plus, I didn't want my mom making plans to have her over for dinner every week.
Once dinner was finished, my mom excused me from the table and I ran up to my room.
It was only seven thirty, but I was exhausted. The stress from all my finals and assignments must have made me tired. I sat on my bed for a couple minutes, going over everything I had in my suitcase. I had everything packed. Go me.
Once it hit about eight, my eyes started getting really heavy. I decided it was time to hit the hay. The cruise awaited.

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