Preparing for the Project

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Beverley's POV
I watched as Damon walked to his car and sat there for a while, processing his thoughts. I felt bad. I had feelings for him, but I wasn't ready to commit to them yet.
Suddenly, my phone started vibrating in my pocket.
I reached for it and looked at the screen, smiling when I saw that it was Tatiana. I really needed someone to talk to.
"Hey Tati," I said, running up to my room.
"Beves, we have an emergency."
I raised a eyebrow.
"The art convention downtown just shut down."
I gasped. I knew how excited she was for this. She had been looking forward to this art convention since the beginning of sophomore year. She had been accepted into an Art school down in Washington D.C, and this convention showed the teachers what art class she could be in. She really wanted to make it to the highest class.
She took a deep breath.
"There's some tornado watch."
"Tornado? We haven't had one since the middle of like sixth grade!"
I glanced out the window and saw clouds rolling in quickly. This wasn't good.
"My parents aren't going to be home until three. Can I come over?" She asked.
I bit my lip. I didn't want her to be alone in case a tornado did come, but I also didn't want her to bring up Damon. That's all she's been talking about since we had been assigned partners. But her safety was more important.
"Sure T."
"Great! Let me just pack my art into my truck and I should be over in fifteen."
I nodded and hung up. Wow, a possible tornado? I shivered at the thought of that. The sky seemed to become darker by seconds.
"BEVES!" I heard.
Soon my door was cracked open, and Jess was standing there with a Barbie doll in hand.
"Can we play barbies?" She asked, sticking out her bottom lip.
"Maybe later. Tatiana is coming over."
She smiled. She loved Tatiana. They would always draw together, which Jess loved.
She then shut the door and ran back to her room.

After about ten minutes, the sky turned pitch black. I was immediately worried for Tati, and I was hoping she would make it in time.
And she did. The doorbell was rung two times and my dad opened it before I could make it to the door.
"Ah...Teresa," my dad said letting Tatiana come in.
She met my eyes and held back a laugh.
He nodded and Tatiana ran up to me.
"Hey Teresa," I said.
We started cracking up with laughter.
"It seems as the Tornado is passing. I mean it was just a tornado watch."
I nodded.
"Are they rescheduling the convention?"
Her smile faded and she shrugged in disappointment.
I grasped her shoulder and sighed.
"Let's hope."
She forced a smile.
"I'm hungry. You have food?" She asked.
I chuckled and nodded.

An hour rolled by, and Tatiana had left. The weather had gotten really bad, but the news reporters said that the tornado landed a town down from us. So we were just a stuck with a really bad storm.

Damon's POV
After dinner, I jumped into my pajamas and sat down on my bed processing my thoughts. I was mainly rehearsing the project for tomorrow, but Beverley kept popping into my head.
It was pretty obvious she liked me, but didn't want to be with me at the moment. I understood completely.
I sighed. I was going to miss her this summer. What if we went on the same cruise? Oh ha that would be impossible.
A couple hours rolled by and it finally hit eleven P.M. After rehearsing a good fifty times I hopped into bed and turned off the light.

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was only twelve thirty, but it was late for a school night.
I glanced over and saw Katie's picture light up the screen. I hadn't talk to her since Saturday, when she had broken up with me.  I didn't want to talk her. But I answered anyway.
"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice.
"I miss you," she said choking up.
I shook my head. I didn't miss her. I think she did what was best.
"Katie, I think you did what was best," I said repeating my thoughts.
She groaned.
"Damon. I-I'm sorry."
I hung up and put my phone back on my nightstand, falling back into a deep deep sleep.

Beverley's POV
My alarm clock woke me up bright and early. This time I wasn't tired. I sat up and grinned. It was the last day of school. The best day of the whole school year. I threw my covers and danced to my closet, pulling out a nice pair of pink skinny jeans and a nice Jean jacket to go over a black tank top.
After I threw those on I brushed my hair, humming.
My mom walked by with a basket of laundry in her hands, and stopped, looking up and down at me.
"Someone's happy."
"Well it's the last day of school," I said, trying to make my words clear as I was brushing my teeth.
She chuckled.
"Get down in five. We leave in ten. Oh and don't you have that big ol project?"
I stopped brushing my teeth and put my toothbrush down. Oh right. Stress ran through my veins and butterflies filled my stomach. Goodness. The word project scared me.
I nodded and my mom walked away.

Once we were all in the car, I started giving myself a pep talk. Don't mess up in front of the class. Don't let Katie get to you. Do your best. I took a deep breath. My mom must have noticed I was nervous, because she placed a hand on my left knee. I looked up at her and smiled. It's going to be fine. It's okay Beverley. It's okay.
Once we arrived to school, I spotted everyone standing outside the front door waiting for it to open. I nodded, said bye to my mom and walked out.
Henry was standing right in front of the door playing on his Nintendo.
"Beverley! I got this new game where you have to save princess peach from Bowser! It's sick," he said, without looking up.
I laughed and watched Tatiana walk up.
"Hey dudes," she said holding up a piece sign.
"Man, I'm nervous."
She knitted her eyebrows.
"Don't be. I'm in your English class. Just pretend I'm there. You sang for me back in seventh grade."
I bit my upper lip and sighed.
"I'll try."
Soon Damon walked up. He looked super nervous. He was fiddling with his backpack straps, and his hair wasn't gelled like it usually was.
"Wow you look-"
"Shy? Nervous? It's part of my look."
I smiled. He was really putting effort into this.
"You look hands-I mean you look great," Tatiana corrected herself.
Damon faked a smile and the doors finally opened. As we walked to our lockers he explained to me what I would do, which was unbelievably easy. But his idea was brilliant.
Suddenly we both looked up at each other,not looking, and we ran into a skinny, tough body in front of us.
We lifted our heads up and took a step back. Scandalous, valley girl, cheerleader fanatic stood there with her eyebrows raised.
"Well look who we have here," Katie said rubbing the back of her head.
Damon quietly groaned.
"Katie, we have to go."
"Whatever, Damon. But just for your information, I'm watching you. And your little worthless friend here."
I glared at her, hiding my hurt side.
We pushed her out of the way and ran to our lockers.

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