Double the stress

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Beverley's POV
The rest of the school day was boring as boring can get. Study guides and tests were thrown at us, which just made the end of the school year more stressful.
After school I walked to the library and sat down at a table. There were about five to six people tapping away on keyboards, and a couple more were sitting at tables playing on their phones.
Soon, the librarian walked in. She looked distressed. Her gray,greasy hair was thrown up into a messy bun and she wore a light blue tee shirt that had red and yellow stains.
I smiled at her, but she just glanced at me and looked away. I guess the end of the year was stressful for teachers too. I always thought the librarian had it easy.
I waited a couple more minutes for Damon, but I never saw his large, tough body walk in that wood door. I rolled my eyes and set my fist on my chin as I waited.
An hour passed, and I was just about to leave but finally Damon walked in biting his lip. Followed by him was his girlfriend, Katie who was the head of the cheerleader team.
"What took you so long? You're lucky I stayed for an hour waiting for you," I stated.
He rolled his eyes and sat down with me. Katie then rolled up a chair and sat by him.
She was the most scandalous girl I have ever witnessed. She was wearing a low cut crop top and the shortest shorts I had ever laid eyes on. Yes our school has a dress code, but I honestly didn't know how she gets away with it.
"If you don't mind, she'll be here for an hour until she has practice," Damon told me.
I didn't really mind, but the last time I spoke with Katie was when she thought I was stealing her boyfriend in the ninth grade and I didn't want her to bring that up.
"That's okay."
Damon sighed.
I reached into my backpack and brought out two copies of Finnegans wake.
"During lunch I picked these up, here."
Damon stole one of out my hands and his eyes widened.
"There is no way we can finish this in a week, Beaver."
I frowned. It was only about seven hundred pages.
"If we read two to three chapters a day then we should be good," I said.
Katie smirked.
"Yeah like Damon will have time to do that between soccer and football practice," she sneered.
Damon nodded in agreement.
"Listen, minion, how about you do the reading and you come back and tell me all about it?" he smiled.
He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair and looked at Katie.
She gave him a "that'll totally work face" and turned to gaze at me.
I bit the inside of my cheek and slowly shook my head to say no.
"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to give up one of your sports. School comes before," I said with my brave face on.
Damon knitted his eyebrows in confusion.
"School doesn't work with me. You're reading. End of story."
My jaw dropped. No one can tell me what to do. Especially this wackjob.
Katie started to play with her blond wavy hair while she stared into my eyes. She was a real creep.
As much as I loved to read, I didn't want to do all the work. I knew we would get the same amount of credit, which wouldn't be fair if I read the whole book and he did nothing.
"Well looks like lil beaver here has no say. So I'll see you tomorrow and we can discuss what happened in the first chapter," Damon said, breaking the weird silence.
Before I could say anything, he got up and walked out of the library.
Katie faked a smile and followed him.
This was great. Looked like I had more stress on my shoulders then everyone else would.

Hey guys sorry about the kind of suckish chapter and short one too. But I hope you guys enjoyed! I really am enjoying writing this one.

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