Commiting to my feelings

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Beverley's POV
"Lia said there's free ice cream there," Jessica said while we walked into the kids and teens room.
My eyes widened. If I had to describe this room with one word, I would definitely say crowded. Or overfilled. Loud heavy rock music played, and lots of voices filled the room. Some kids were engaged in conversation, as some were just eavesdropping. There was also a huge line to get ice cream. And to my surprise, Damon was the waiter.
I sighed and rubbed my forehead. There was no way I was going to stand in a thirty minute wait line just to talk to him.
"Beverley, can I go play with those girls over there?" Jessica asked,giving me the puppy face. She pointed to two girls in small designed rompers. I nodded and she ran off towards them.
I sighed and decided to wait until Damon's shift ended. I overheard someone saying that all shifts end at five, and the huge wooden clock in the room read four thirty.
I sat down on a blue and black bungee chair and studied everyone around me. In the middle of the room was a group of emo girls. They all wore black and had different colored hair. One girl had red hair with blue streaks, why another just had plain blue.
Right by me was a girl that had on a super short dress, and a boy that had on a pink tee shirt. He looked like he had on makeup, as his eyelashes were super long and gorgeous, and his eyelids were light purple. They must've known I was looking at them, because they both turned to me and smiled.
"Hi!," the girl said, throwing out her right hand for me to shake.
My cheeks grew red, and I shook it slowly.
"Shy?" the boy asked.
He had a sort of girly voice. But there was also a tiny squeak to it. A teensy voice crack even. 
I shook my head and stood up.
"I'm Diana and this is Carlos," the girl said, looking up at me. She was a little shorter than usual. I loved the color of her eyes though. They were light blue, with a hint of green in them. Almost teal.
"How's life? Long day?" Carlos asked, checking out his dull fingernails.
I nodded.
"How do you guys know each other?" I asked, a little nervous. They acted like they've known each other for years.
"Oh? Us...ha we've only known each other for about six months. Since school started, basically. But, he's my only friend," Diana explained.
I bit my lip.
"And we are NOT dating. Just putting that out there. Everyone automatically assumes that."
I chuckled. I could definitely tell that.
Carlos's eyes widened and smiled.
"So do you have a boyfriend? Tell me the buzz."
I chuckled and glanced over at Damon who was paying attention to how much rainbow sherbet he placed into a bowl.
"Him? You can do better than that," Diana joked.
I jerked my head and shook it ,laughing nervously.
"Honestly, I don't know what we have. We both..."
"Ah I see. You both like each other but you don't know what to do," Carlos stated.
I nodded in agreement.
"Well it's almost five. He should be getting off soon," I said, glancing over at Damon again.

Once he finally served his last cup of ice cream, he opened the tiny door that only employees could get into, and walked out. I was ready to tell him what I really wanted. Or...did I?
"See you around," Diana said, before I chased after him.
"Damon!" I shouted, as he was walking in peace down the hallway.
He turned around and smiled gently.
"Hey beaver!"
I ran up to him, and smiled back.
"I need to tell you..uh something."
He bit his lip and studied me up and down.
Before my mind could progress what I wanted to say, I leaned in and kissed him, but he immediately pulled back.
"Beaver, what are you doing?"
I knitted my eyebrows in confusion and my cheeks grew hot.
"Just kidding," he mumbled leaning back into me, pushing me against the wall. He placed his lips against mine and I smiled. I knew this was what I wanted. I wanted Damon. I didn't know it then, but I did now. 
"Now what did you want to tell me?" he whispered, his face levitating one inch in front of mine.
"Forget it. It's happening now."
I pushed his lips back onto mine and smiled.
Suddenly I felt tugging on my jean shorts.
"Beves has a boyfriend! Beves has a boyfriend!"
My eyes widened and I unconnected my lips. Jessica was standing there, with her two friends in small rompers.
"It's not what it looks like."
Jessica's eyebrows raised and she laughed hysterically.
"Yeah whatever. That's what my brother ALWAYS says," one of the girls said.
I glanced over at Damon, who was itching the back of his neck.
"Guys, go back to the room."
"Fine," Jessica said, walking back.
"Sorry," I told Damon.
He shrugged and kissed my forehead.
"What does this mean now?" I asked.
"I'd like to call you my girlfriend."
I blushed and looked down at the ground. I'd like that too, but I didn't know what to say. Instead he just kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I ended up carrying Jessica back to our bedroom. She was completely out. My mom had gone to bed, but my dad was nowhere to be seen. He was either at the bar or gambling illegally. Whatever, I didn't care about him anyway.

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