Beaches and chill

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Beverley's POV
I met Damon again after school. He explained what happened in the chapters. Something about a shy boy hiding in dark corners. I listened to him carefully as he looked up at me with his glistening brown eyes after every sentence he spoke.
"I think the sense of language in this book is pretty neat," he stated, as he shut the book.
I nodded in agreement and yawned.
"Long day?" He asked as he slid his copy into his red Jansport backpack.
I smiled.
He nodded and leaned over the table.
"If you aren't too tired you should come over to my house tonight. We should chill."
I scratched the back of my neck. Hanging out with Damon? I chuckled at the thought of that. We had nothing in common, plus I was not ready for Tatiana to make ship names for us and call me Ms. Beverley Lowell. Even if it's just a simple chill night. But, since I gave him a hard time about the project, I guess I owed him one.
I smiled.
"Sounds like fun."
He smiled and stood up.
"Come around six?"
I tinkered with the edge of my plaid shirt and nodded.
"Alright cool. I'll text you the place."
I grinned and watched him leave.
Soon Henry walked in without his D.S.
"Hey hen!"
He glanced up and waved, walking over to me.
"I'm upset."
I held back a laugh.
"Let me guess. Your Nintendo is missing."
"For the third time this week!"
He threw his hands in the air.
The librarian jerked her head and held her finger to her lips.
"Shush you two!"
Henry's eyes widened.
"Well let me know if you find it. I just reached level fifteen."
I nodded and grabbed my backpack.
"Bye Hen."
He waved again and I walked out.

I got home around five, and I immediately ate dinner. My mom and Jess had gone out to buy shoes and I would be left alone for about two hours. I soon decided to run upstairs and change, since my everyday outfits weren't the greatest.
I picked out a gray and pink sweatshirt along with some nice black leggings. I assumed we were probably going to watch a movie or something so I slid into something comfortable. Damon's house was kind of far away so I left about thirty minutes early.
The ride to his house was smooth. There were barely any cars on the streets, and I didn't hit that many red lights, so I was there about five minutes early.
His house was huge. It was about half the size of a football field. It was painted a creme color with wood shutters. But the most amazing thing about his house was his garden. Many of flowers coated the walkway. As the sun was going down, fireflies lit up the sky. A huge crystal ball also hung at the large glass door.
I walked down the walkway, trying not to smoosh the colorful flowers with my faded pink sandals.
Finally I reached his door, and I knocked on it two times. Through the glass I could spot a tall human figure walking up to the door. The shadow opened the door and peeked out, smiling. It was Damon.
He opened it more widely as he looked down.
"Hey beaver. Come on in!"
I nodded and walked in. In front of me was a long set of stairs that twisted and turned. It was a nice house with white tiles, and a huge kitchen on the side. I heard screams and cheers coming from the other hallway.
"That's my dad. Let's go up to my room. It's more peaceful," Damon said running up the stairs. I followed him. He lead me to the messiest room I have ever been in. The bed was unmade, pieces of paper laid on the floor, all the books in his bookshelf had fallen out, and the worst part was his laundry. There was a huge basket sitting in the corner full of dirty laundry. I could tell because of the stains on the shirts.
"Sorry of the small mess," he chuckled sitting on the edge of his bed.
I just stood there in front of him, smiling and acting like an idiot.
"Beaver, can you talk tonight?"
"Yeah sorry. Just a lot of thoughts running through my head tonight," I laughed.
He smiled and patted the spot of his bed next to him, gesturing me to sit.
I sighed and sat down, facing him.
"Hey I really want to thank you for reading the book. It means a lot," I said, biting the inside of my cheek.
"Ey it wasn't that hard."
He threw his arms up in the air and chuckled.
"Should we work on the props? Or talk about what we are going to reenact?"
He shook his head.
"Let's brush the project off for a night. Let's do something fun!"
I thought about it for a second, and then agreed. I had worked on this project nonstop, and I did need a break.
"Like what?"
He scrunched his nose.
"Ah I have something cool."
He stood up and lead me towards his window. He opened it, letting breeze run through.
"Follow me."
He climbed through his window, and I watched as he slid down his roof an inch.
I frowned but did the same.
"Look," he said pointing towards him. I looked in front of me and gasped.
Right in front of my eyes laid a beautiful beach. Waves were crashing against large rocks and running over words planted into the sand. The best part was the sun setting against it. The sky was a mixture of orange, pink and yellow. The sun looked like a big egg yolk, setting in the distance. It looked gorgeous against the big sea.
"It's beautiful, Damon."
He smiled.
"Not as beautiful as someone I know."
I chuckled.
"Katie? She's lucky to have a guy like you."
Once I said that, I instantly regretted it. He still wasn't the nicest guy in the world. But he sure was recovering...I guess.
He shook his head rapidly.
"You are,Beaver."
My eyes widened. Yeah like he just said that.
He leaned in closer.
"You're beautiful."
I smiled. I was flattered.
Suddenly Damon crashed his lips against mine, and I instantly felt a wave of cheerfulness.

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