Emotional preformance

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Damon's POV
I shoved my backpack into my locker and took out the props for our report. There were only about two to three, since I would be talking most of the time.
Once I had everything, I shut my locker door and turned around. In the corner of my eye, I spotted Beverley running into Mrs.Lowrey's classroom. I took a deep breath and followed her, brushing my anxiety off. Before I knew it, I had stepped foot into her classroom. I skimmed the room, watching everyone's faces look up at me as the bell rang.
Mrs.Lowrey jerked her head towards me and returned a sharp glare.
"Mr.Lowell, you're late."
I dipped my head and trudged over to my seat, which was in the middle of the classroom.
"The last day of school, and you're still not on schedule," she continued, tapping her desk with her long pastel purple fingertips.
The girl in front of me turned around and gave me a flirtatious smile. Her name was Kelly and she had liked me since freshman year. I never liked her. She was cute, but we had nothing in common. Plus she was the schools biggest lacrosse dork, and I would hate to be called "lacrosse dork's boyfriend." I could just imagine that nickname on the head of a newspaper.
I turned my head towards Beverley, who sat two rows to the left side of me. She never turned her head to look back at me, instead she kept her eyes focused on Mrs.Lowrey.
"As you all know, today is the last day of school. Which means you all have to present your projects. It will be graded on neatness, accuracy, and creativity," the teacher explained, walking around the classroom.
"It was a last minute project, but I'm excited to see what you all have come up with it. You will be timed. It must be over three minutes long. Hmm...who would like to go first?"
She skimmed the room, but everyone avoided eye contact.
She frowned.
"Alright. How about Jamie and Penelope? And we'll go from there."
I took a deep breath and watched as the two girls walked up to the front of the classroom.
Jamie was the biggest tomboy around. She had cut her hair last year, and only wore khakis and oversized tees. Penelope, on the other hand is Katie's best friend and partner in crime. She was also really dumb, but somehow managed to have a B- in pre algebra.
"Whenever you're ready," Mrs.Lowrey finally said.
Jamie sighed and looked over at Penelope.
"We decided to do our report on The Great Gatsby. It's by the great author F.Scott Fitzgerald," Jamie explained. She looked bored out of her mind.
Penelope smiled.
"I am Daisy bookerman," she said.
Jamie slapped her forehead.
My thoughts soon flooded my mind, and I lost track of their report. All I heard was "blah blah blah love blah blah blah light...etc"

"Damon," a familiar voice said.
It was Beverley. I shot up and met my eyes with hers.
"It's our turn."
How long had I been daydreaming for?
My eyes widened, and I stood up.
"Good luck," a small voice said, as I walked to the front of the classroom.
I looked around and met my face with Kellys'.
"Oh thanks," I mumbled.
Beverley smiled and walked to the light switches. I took a deep breath and nodded, gesturing her to turn off the lights. She did, and then snuck out the door.
I heard a couple faint gasps.
"Don't worry. It's a part of the act," I reminded everyone.
I reached for my small flashlight in my pocket and finally felt it, grasping it and turning it on. It only revealed my face. I ran through a couple words of my speech in my brain and finally decided to speak.
"We did our report on Finnegan's Wake. It's about a boy who...was super shy. He didn't want any contact with humans. He would avoid contact by hiding in the dark," I said holding up my arms.
Beverley ran through the door and hid in the corner by Mrs.Lowreys chalkboard on the left side of the room.
I saw a couple heads turn towards her.
"I related to this part. As most of you know, my sister died in a car accident. I got really depressed and wanted to avoid all contact from humans by hiding in the dark. It was my only safe place," I continued.
Soon Beverley ran over to the lights and turned them back on. And then I turned off my flashlight and shoved it into my back pocket.
"Adding to it, before my sister was killed, she had all the attention."
Beverley walked over to me and showed the class a piece of paper with a big fat "A" written on it, to resemble a good grade.
"It made me feel left out. When Hannah, my sister, got an A, I would get an F. She would be rewarded and I would be punished. Like the father in the Earwicker family (family from Finnegans wake) His sons struggled to replace him."
Beverley placed the paper down and sighed.
"And Hannah used to go to this school. She had a huge rise of prominence. When I was the one kid who had one friend."
Beverley walked over to me with her phone in her hand pretending to text lots of people.
"Like Shaun the postman. He wanted his rise of prominence to happen, and it never did."
Beverley put her phone down and looked up at me. She looked really proud of me.
"Um...this project is dedicated to Hannah Lowell. She would be turning twenty three this month," I ended, chocked up.
We both looked at the class, and most of the girls were teary eyed. Even Mrs.Lowrey.
A couple of seconds zoomed by, and applause filled our ears. Beves threw her arms around my neck letting tears run down her cheeks.
"You did great," she said muffled.
Soon the bell rang and everyone ran out besides me and Beaver.
Mrs. Lowrey walked over and wiped her tears with a disgusting, used tissue.
"That was...impressive. Ha, and very emotional. Well done kids."
"Thank you," Beverly and I said at the same time.

The rest of the day zoomed by. My last hour was Gym, my favorite class of the day. Everyone sat on the glossy wood floor while staring up at the clock.
I smiled.
One more second.
The bell rang and everyone rushed out, almost causing me to fall.
I ran to my locker, in excitement. No more school. Hello beautiful,wonderful cruise!
I shoved everything into my backpack and felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around, and to my surprise was Beverley.
"You did wonderful."
"Ha you did too."
She blushed.
"I want to give you something."
I tilted my head.
Suddenly she threw her head into mine, and her lips collided. I was shocked.
After about ten seconds she let go and smiled.
"I kind of missed your lips...well I have to go. I'll miss you." She said.
My bottom lip quivered.
"I'll miss you too. Promise you'll text me."
She nodded and kissed me on the cheek.

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