The wrong idea

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Damon's POV
"You're beautiful."
Beverley attempted to say thank you but I leaned in and collided my lips against hers. I couldn't help it. She was smart, talented and gorgeous. The perfect girl.
I finally pulled away and studied her facial expression. Her eyes were wide but she had a small grin on her face.
"Sorry beaver I-"
She immediately leaned in closer and gave me a short kiss.
"Woah...," I said, speechless.
"Oh am I a bad kisser?" She asked, biting her lip.
"No I just wasn't expecting that," I laughed.
Her smile then faded and she looked down at the ground.
"Damon, you shouldn't have done that."
I tilted my head and caressed her chin, making her look back up at me.
"Damon, what about Katie?"
"Yeah what about ME?" A cocky, valley girl accent said behind me.
We both turned our heads, and there standing was my girlfriend Katie.
She had tears in her eyes, but she had a nasty sneer planted onto her face.
"Katie, we can explain," Beverley told her, standing up on the roof, trying to keep her balance.
She shook her head slowly and groaned.
"Damon I knew you were cheating on me. I knew it!" She screamed turning around and running out of my room.
Beves and I ran up the roof and jumped back into my bedroom window. I chased after Katie watching as her blonde fishtail braid shook as she ran.
Soon I caught up to her and grabbed her hand.
"Katie wait."
She jerked her head and glared at me.
"It's over."
I pursed my lips and shook my head.
"It's over,Damon. Deal with it!"
She let go of my hand and continued running down the stairs. I stood there bewildered and heard footsteps running up to me.
"I should go..."
I spun around and met my eyes with Beverley's. Her eyes were teary, but she looked at me with sorrow.
"Its all your fault!" I whisper shouted.
"Damon, I'll let you be," she said brushing off the fact that I had just yelled at her.
I frowned. Tomorrow was Sunday, the day before we had to present our book report to class. I shook my head.
"Sorry I-"
"Just lost your girlfriend. I know. I'll do the rest of the work so you can rest tomorrow. Okay?"
I looked down at the ground. I couldn't let her do that. She had done all the work herself. Well most of it.
"No I'll do it," I finally stated
She gulped and rubbed her eyes.
"I can't let you do that."
"Please. It'll get my mind off of Katie."
I watched her bite her lip and think about it. She was still a little shaken up that I had just kissed her, but then she nodded.
"Fine. But I'm meeting you fifteen minutes before school starts on Monday so we can rehearse."
She then pushed past me and jogged down the steps.
I could tell she was angry, and I was upset. I slowly walked back to my room, and plopped onto my bed. What had I just gotten into? My girlfriend caught me kissing Beverley, then she broke up with me, and now Beves is mad at me for dragging her into this.
I sat up and sighed, deciding I should get working on this project. I didn't know how I could do it without her, but I knew I could do something about it.

Beverley's POV
Once I got home, I stormed up to my room. I hopped onto my bed and let my tears stream down my cheeks. I was pissed. As soon as Damon kissed me, I realized I had feelings for him. But now that Katie knows, who knows what she is going to do? Spread rumors around the school? Hate on Damon and I?
I turned on my light switch and sighed, taking a deep breath. I needed to let this go. Summer is just around the corner. Stress is about to be relieved from my hands. I thought about the smooth waters, and Hawaii. I was excited about the cruise, even though it was just a trick that my dad had set up.
Soon my phone started ringing. I turned my head and saw Damon's picture light up.
I groaned but decided to answer.
"What do you want?" I asked in disgust.
"I'm sorry, Beverley."
That was the first time in forever he's called me Beverley.
I rolled my eyes.
"Do you have an idea for the project?" I asked.
He mumbled something, which I couldn't hear and then spoke up.
"No...not yet."
"Than can you please leave me alone and think about it?"
He sighed.
After he hung up, I crawled into bed and immediately fell asleep.

Damon's POV
The rest of the night I thought and thought about the project. I wanted to impress Beverley. I wanted to win her trust and friendship....or whatever we had, back.
After a couple of hours of thinking hard, I got extremely tired and turned off the lights. It made me think of the little boy in our book. He was extremely shy and depressed and didn't want to be around people. His only safe place was the dark. Where no one could see him.That made me think of my life after my sister died in a car accident. I never wanted to go back to school. I was that one boy who wore a dark hoodie and sat alone in the back at lunch. But humor and entertainment brought me out of that phase. Just like-my eyes widened and I turned off the light. That's it!

Hey guys. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. It was a little shorter but I hope you enjoyed anyway. Please vote and we are really close to 20 reads 😂😂 but it's a lot to me. Thanks for reading and voting. I appreciate it. Love you!

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