The cruise trap

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Beverley's POV
I woke up to the downstairs door shutting. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
My alarm clock read 4:39. I frowned and decided to check out what was going on. I stood up and wrapped my throw blanket around my waist and opened my bedroom door.
"Hello?" I asked in a shaky voice.
I had to admit, I was scared. You never know, it could be an intruder or a drunk guy wobbling into the wrong house.
I decided to walk down the stairs, slowly. The kitchen light was on, and I could hear faint humming.
"Hello?" I asked again.
This time I heard a small gasp.
I hurried down the last two steps and walked into the kitchen. There standing was a tall man pouring water into a tiny glass cup.
He turned towards me and bit my lip.
He slowly nodded and put down the water pitcher.
What was he doing home this late? He even looked exhausted. His glasses were set nice and tightly in his messy gray hair while his eyes hung low and his clothes were covered in stains.
"Hello...honey. Sorry I woke you."
I shook my head and my shoulders tensed.
"Why are you home this late?"
He adjusted his red sweater and sighed.
"What could you have possibly been doing at work?"
He took a sip of his water and shrugged.
"How about you hurry up to bed?," he asked waving his hand up and down.
I groaned.
"You're hiding something."
He swallowed his water and faked a smile.
"Owning a business is hard. It's not all about saying hi to the employees and checking up on them. Sometimes working late is required. Don't worry. I'm not hiding anything."
I sighed.
"Mom is going to be pissed."
And at that moment I ran upstairs and cried myself to sleep.

Jessica ran into my room, plopping onto my bed.
I yawned and sat up.
"Come downstairs!"
I scrunched my nose and stood up.
I followed her down the stairs where my mom and dad were standing with their fists in their hips.
"I don't see anything," I mumbled.
Jess waved her teddy bear in the air.
"Tell her daddy tell her!"
I glanced up at my dads face and frowned. I was instantly remembered about this morning and what had happened.
He smiled,picked up Jess, and turned to me.
"We're going on a cruise to Hawaii."
I knitted my eyebrows.
"How?" I asked. I wanted to puke. Did he really think he could make up his late hours with a cruise to Hawaii?
My mom smiled. She looked nicer than usual. Her hair was tied up into a low ponytail and she was wearing a white cardigan along with a black skirt.
"I've been working later so I can save up money for this," my dad responded.
He sighed and faked a smile.
I turned to my mom for support. All she did was nod. Jess didn't help either. She playfully jumped in my father's arms as they all stared down at me.
"Like I'd believe that," I finally said.
My mom looked down at the ground. I was hoping she didn't feel bad, as she did influence me to believe that he was cheating on her.
My dad tilted his head.
I knew this was a trap so that my mom wouldn't leave my dad. Or divorce him. He would never give us straight answers of why he got home late. Especially 4:30 in the morning.
My dad checked his watch and set down Jess.
"Well I must go. I don't want to be late!"
I watched as he kissed my mom, grabbed his briefcase and jogged out the door.
My mom grabbed my shoulder and smiled.
"Maybe I was wrong."
I shook my head and decided to tell her what happened. Her smile faded as I gave her every single detail I remembered. I felt bad. She looked like she was about to cry but she put her smile back on.
"I got an email from your English teacher last night. You working hard on that project?" She asked changing the subject.
I nodded.
"Mrs.Lorwey said you're a good kid. Go get dressed. I'll talk to your father...whenever he gets home."

Once I got to school, I walked up the curb and trotted to Tatiana.
"Hey," I said, sighing.
She turned around and smiled. Her hair was wavy and her eyes sparkled.
"You look miserable. What's the matter, Beve?"
I shrugged.
"I'd rather not talk about it."
I smiled and decided to tell her about the cruise (trap.) But I didn't want to tell her about the whole situation between my dad.
She nodded.
"Sounds fun. I'm volunteering at the animal shelter. Henry's coming a couple days."
I glanced around.
"Speaking of Henry, where is he anyway?"
She chuckled.
"I think he probably missed his alarm clock," she stated.
We both laughed.

After Math, my third hour, I stopped by Damon's locker. I wanted to see if he actually read all the chapters. His locker was between the girls and boys lockers room.
To be honest I would hate to have my locker where his was. It must stink like BO and overused perfume. But I don't think he really minded it.
I walked down with my hands stuck in my short pockets.
Soon I reached his locker, and sure enough he was there putting away notebooks and binders.
"Hey," I quietly said.
He jerked his head and smiled.
"Hey Beaver."
My eyes widened. He looked awful. He was pale, his hair was messy and super greasy, and his eyes...well let's just say they were barely open.
"What happened to you?"
He sighed but forced a weak smile.
"I did it."
I cocked my head in confusion.
"I read the rest of the book," he interrupted.
I chuckled.
"No be serious. What chapters did you finish?" I asked, not believing him.
He shoved a text book into his locker and then shut it, turning towards me.
"I actually read the whole book, beaver."
I hated the nickname beaver.
My jaw dropped.
"For real?"
He kneeled down and reached out Finnegans wake out of his backpack.
I grasped and and skimmed through it, shocked.
"How long?," I asked, not looking up from the book.
"About twelve hours. No sleep."
I glanced up at him and smiled.
"I could just KISS you right now!" I yelled. Oh shoot did I really just say that out loud...?
He bit the inside of his cheek.
He seemed pretty flattered.
"Well I wouldn't mind that," he said.
I was a little phased by his comment. I would love to see the look on Katie's face if she was standing right there.
"Katie would be jealous," he said, reading my mind.
I shook my head rapidly and hugged him.
"Thanks Damon."
His arms wrapped around me awkwardly. He was pretty warm.
"No problem,Beaver."

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