Chapter Fifteen ~ The Sorting Hat

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My purple sneakers squelched through the muddy foreshore of the lake as I exited the boat. I couldn't help but yelp in frustration, until I realised that 1) I wouldn't be using these shoe sin a very, very long time 2) I could just use my magic to remove any stains.

I remembered sadly that a howler would soon be delivered to me because of my use of magic at the platform, and, most importantly of all, the Chamber of Secrets was about to be re-opened. If I told Dumbledore, he would think that I was in on it, wouldn't he?

I couldn't blame him, either, I was the most obvious target. Then my mind wandered once more to this mysterious sister that I had, the sister that was most likely running around the halls of Hogwarts right now. Since the day I had learnt of her, it was as if a limb was missing from my body.

I wasn't overreacting either, I was missing something, and I was sure that it was her. I hadn't properly questioned Dumbledore about her yet, but something told me that it would all come in good time. I smiled at Ginny as we walked up and every body found a neat robe of their own sitting on a long bench with a small tag attached.

I realised that there were only five or six uniforms there, as most students had changed on the train. Of course! Sighing, I took my robes and ran to my favourite bathroom, one that was unfortunately haunted by one Moaning Myrtle, though she generally avoided me now.

The bathroom was certainly grim, and there always seemed to be a source of water dripping somewhere, but it was private. Locking the door, I switched form my casual clothes to my new uniform. I had never felt so proud of my clothing before now.

Ssssstarving... Ssssso long with no food... I will feasssst... He waitsss.... Elysssia...

The haunting voice form my dreams had spoken once more, except now I was fully conscious and alert. Unlocking my lock swiftly, I looked around nervously, almost expecting the beast to reveal itself to me immediately. Of course it wouldn't, I was not the true heir.

Not that I cared... 

Shaking away my jealous thoughts, I realised that the hallways were deathly silent. Oh no... The feast had already started! Luckily, my last name begun with an 'R', so I wouldn't be called for a long time yet. As I neared the Grand Hall, I saw driving away in to the Forbidden Forest the blue car that I had imagined flying through the clouds.


Oh no... He had found his way to Hogwarts after all. This was extremely dangerous, what was I going to do? How could I possibly avert the danger that was soon to be faced by every single Hogwarts student? I spent no time waiting for the disgruntled boys to near the hall, instead I ran as fast as I could to the hall.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Snape lurking in a corner, no doubt waiting to ambush the boys. Like I had been training myself to do for the past holidays, I ignored him and let him go about his begrudging business. As I burst through the magnificent doors, I heard, to much chagrin, two words called out by McGonagall,

"Riddle, Elysia!"

Gasping, i realised just how late I was. I passed Ginny Weasley, now sitting proudly at the Gryffindor table on my way down to the stool that was placed promptly in front of the entire school. Dumbledore shone me a warm smile whilst McGonagall pursed her lips tightly.

Sitting down on the stool, I felt my cheeks grow red as the entire school stared at me. I wish that I had an Invisibility Cloak, just so that i could disappear immediately. Suddenly, blackness was all that I saw. I resisted the urge to flail my arms wildly, as I realised that the hat was again on my head.

His voice was low, loud enough for only myself to hear,

"Oh, we meet again..." he mumbled.

"I have found my loyalties!" I replied, quietly.

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