Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Freedom

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"...Pettigrew's here!" I choked, forcing the last of my breath out to complete my sentence.

Looking up at the time, I saw that I had taken half an hour to fully explain Sirius's situation. I had wasted so much time, who knew what was happening right now? Ignoring Dumbledore's next words, I ran to the window that had a view of the whomping willow, and saw the flock of unusual people walking out of the tunnel.

Crookshanks gnawed on the special knot, and then Lupin and Ron, who were chained to Pettigrew, and then Snape, who were floating (unconscious) Sirius, and then Harry and Hermione. Relief flooded through me as I saw them heading towards the school.

All was well. Peter would be arrested, Voldemort would lose one of his greatest servants, and, most importantly of all, Sirius would be free. It was well known that he was Harry's godfather, so perhaps Harry could live with him now?

Sighing, I stared up at the moon and whispered near-silent thanks. The lovely full moon. Closing my eyes, slowly, pangs of frustration and anger slithered through my veins as I realised that it was a full moon, and Lupin hadn't taken his potion.

A sickening feeling froze my blood as the clouds parted, allowing moonlight to land on Lupins skin. Sirius spread his arm out, stopping Hermione and Harry, Snape's body collided with the chained trio as Lupin's body froze. Only Sirius and Peter seemed to understand the full magnitude of the situation.

I had never seen a werewolf transform, nor did I want to, but here I was witnessing the scene uselessly. His skin appeared to bubble and his limbs shook violently. His entire body was becoming elongated, unnaturally long and... Hairy.

My eyes widened as I realised that both Pettigrew and Ron were chained to the werewolf. Chaos ensued, with Lupin ripping himself from the chains, Pettigrew diving for his wand, Harry disarming him, and him transforming and fleeing.

"I've made a huge mistake..." 

"You couldn't have helped them more than they are helping themselves." said the docile voice of Dumbledore.

"I could have helped them! I would have warned Lupin that he couldn't go out there... or, or... I don't know..." I sobbed, my eyes still absorbing the scene.

The werewolf, Lupin, bounded in to the forest, leaving his friend Sirius injure din his Animagi form, bleeding profusely from assorted wounds, he leaped up and followed Lupin in to the forest, leaving Hermione, Harry, Ron and Snape behind him.

I couldn't take anymore, I had to help them. But how could I get there soon enough? Looking back, I saw Dumbledore with a familiar object in his hand. My broomstick! Smiling at him, I took it from his hands and leaped out of the open window before me. 

Wrapping my legs around the broom, I angled it to the site where Harry and Hermione had been seconds ago. In the distance, I could see them running in to the outskirts of the woods, where Sirius had run only minutes ago. Ron was left bleeding, in a stupor.

"Episkey..." I muttered, hearing the 'snap' of minor bones as they re-attached. I didn't have the time to heal him properly, but I muttered incantations that stopped his bleeding, and uttered a spell that allowed him to fall in to a deep sleep.

Standing up, I again sat on my broomstick and flew above Harry and his companions. Sirius was keeled over, surrounded by black, hooded creatures; Hermione was terrified, hiding in the bushes near-by, while Harry tried to produce a patronus.

I had to produce my own, otherwise they would all be kissed... Taking out my wand, I watched as a fourth person took out his wand and yelled 'EXPECTO PATRONUM!' Looking closer, I saw that it was Harry... 

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