Chapter Thirty ~ Helping Black

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Monday commenced, and my exams for today were Transfiguration and Charms. Yet, I anticipated meeting with Sirius this afternoon more than anything. My nerves were aimed towards the adventure that I was about to assist in, rather than mere grades.

Perhaps it was stupid to do dangerous stuff to confirm that I was nothing like my father, but it made sensed to me. I refrained from telling Neville about the entire Sirius business, it would worry him too much. And as for Drew, I thought we would keep it simple for now.

It was a crisp day, and Spring had well and truly begun by now. Sarah and Jane were chattering excitedly in the corner of the dorm, discussing how little they had studied, and how gor-ge-ous Cedric Diggory was, while Paige looked very forlorn as she sat alone on her bed.

Yet, I knew that Paige would brighten up when she saw Kaitlyn later, so I decided not to fuss about her. I remembered seeing Leon just moments after I decided to assist Sirius, and he admitted that some human help would be good.

I knew that Scabber's was Pettigrew, and I ached to snatch up the rodent and squeeze him until all breath left his body. Gruesome, yes, but it was true; he was a traitor, and he deserved death. But, I knew that Sirius's charges couldn't be cleared unless we kept him alive.

Hurriedly dressing myself in my school robes, I gathered the required books for the lady in my arms, as well as my quill and a pot of ink, and sprinted downstairs to the Great Hall. I watched as everybody else ate, but I couldn't bring any food to my lips.

I was too nervous about this afternoon. Sirius had decided to act on Thursday, the last day of exams. Fidgeting with the fine, silky strings attached to my quill, I waited for the assembled students to be dismissed, and to get my exams over and done with.

The cool weather persisted through the day, until finally a warmer breeze sailed in the late afternoon. Shoving the sleeves of my sweater up past my elbows, I made my way, undetected, down to the circle of trees, where I was due to meet Sirius.

The sun emitted a kaleidoscope of oranges and pinks, lighting up the sky beautifully. I knew that this meeting couldn't go on for long, otherwise night would fall. Barely crunching a dried leaf under my bare feet, I found myself standing in the centre of the circle in what seemed like no time at all.

Gazing at the sky, which was sinking in to pastel purples, I waited patiently for the fugitive to arrive. In the corner of my eye, I saw a ginger tuft of fur, alerting me of Crookshanks presence, which was soon followed by a small Red Panda, Leon.

And behind them, was a ragged man, his hair matted and eyes sunken. I wondered about the last time that Sirius felt happy, surely it hadn't been for a long time. Smiling at him, I didn't expect it to be returned, and I got exactly what I expected.

His face was grim and gaunt, showing that he had eaten anything healthy and nutritious (as the muggle's say) for months, perhaps years. His skin seemed waxy, almost unnatural, and it was completely ruddy under so long without a bath.

"I told you that I didn't need any help." he growled, his blue eyes avoiding mine.

"Leon said that you did." I pointed out, not taking any of his baloney.

"I don't have a proper plan, so I don't even know how you could help." he continued, unabashed.

"I will help to lead them down to where ever you need." I said simply.

"I only need the rat!" he hissed, his face entangled in fury.

"Fine! Fine! I'll see you Thursday afternoon, meet me... here." I said finally, avoiding all of his rages.

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