Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 –

"You know", Sheldon said, lying on Becky's bed, while she surfed the net, "Penny told me something really curious today when I went to have my usual meal at the Cheesecake Factory."

"Did she, now?" she asked, slightly curious. Becky was now wrapped up in sheets, instead of the red towel and her hair was somewhat messy. "By the way, I've been wondering about this... Penny. She is sweet, very sweet, indeed. What kind of relationship do you have with her?" she snapped.

"We're just friends."

"Hm... Okay." she sulked, but asked no more and resumed her surfing.

"Are you jealous?"

"Why? Should I be?" she scoffed.

"I don't know. Should you?"

"Why are you asking me the same question I posed you like, five seconds ago?"

"Because you are the one who should know the answer."

"Yeah, I suppose... Holy crap!"

"What?! What is wrong?"

"I've been hacked! Damn it! How the hell could that happen! I knew I should not be lazy and change that freakin' password periodically!"

Sheldon didn't dare make a sound and started fidgeting and worse, nearly laughing.

"Damn it!" she cursed, under her breath.

"But how did you come to that conclusion, Becky?" he asked, curiously.

"One of my e-mails have been read. Crap."

"'Crap', indeed.", he thought.


Or at least, he thought he had thought...

"What was that, Sheldon? What are you talking about?"

"Okay, Becky, now, calm down. Don't freak out, again. You left me no choice. You disappeared and I was... imagining all sorts of misfortunes."

"And you... hacked my e-mail?!"

"And what was there to hide, but spams and Amazon Kindle? Becky, please, once in your life, be reasonable."

She was going to... just the way he had put it, 'freak out', but thought better and sat down again and just said, bitterly:

"You are so full of yourself. And how the hell did you get in here, anyway?"

"Why, the key, of course."

"The... key? What you mean, 'the key'? I was talking about the e-mail! You got into my apartment?! What you mean by 'the key'? The spare? Did I just leave it lying around?! I'm not usually this careless!"

"By no means, no, you're not careless, indeed. I made a copy."


"Now, would you please, keep calm. You know you leave me no choice. I can't afford to get back from work and find you here with your wrists slit in the bathtub."


"You heard me. And also, you should start working on a plan so your life can start moving."

"Wait. You are crossing several lines here, mister. You cannot control me. Or tell me what to do, for that matter. And I wouldn't 'slit my wrists'. I would take tons of sleeping pills and wait. Now, tell you what. I'll change the locks. This has to stop."

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