Stucky|Apple Pie

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Steve wipes flour off of Bucky's nose, and give him a small kiss on the lips. Steve goes back to mixing the apples and spice mix. Bucky continues to roll out the dough, and then carefully placing the dough on the greased pan.

"Steve, are you finished with the apples?" Bucky asks.

"Hold on Buck, I need to add a bit more sugar, to balance out the spice of the cinnamon," Steve responds. Bucky humphs, and he turns to the sink to wash his hands.

"Buck, why are we even making apple pie. I mean it isn't even fall," Steve says taste testing the apples.

"Well, I feel like Tony doesn't really like me. And, I remember him saying that his favorite type of pie is apple. I wanted to make it for him, so maybe he could like me better. I mean, I am dating his best friend," he answers, wrapping his arm around Steve, and pulling him closer connecting their bodies.

"How about we finish this pie," Steve whispers kinkily in Bucky's ear.

"Ok," Bucky says running towards the couch, and laying there sexily. Steve throws the apples in the crust, and covers the pie. He places it in the oven, paying attention to Bucky the whole time.

"Get over here," Bucky mouths, and Steve practically flies over. Steve jumps on top of Bucky, passionately making out with him. Bucky rips Steve's shirt off, and flings his shirt off as well. Bucky runs his hands along Steve's ripped abs.

Steve kisses along Bucky's neck, and down towards his chest, and then his stomach. Steve pulls down Bucky's sweatpants. Making his intentions clear, and Bucky doesn't stop him. Bucky lets out loud moans, and Steve can't help but smile.

"You don't have to stop," Bucky breathes out. Thats when Bucky does the exact thing to Steve. Now they are 69ing. Stopping their fun, the oven timer beeps. Bucky stands up, and Steve can't help but smile, at bucks cute butt.

"The Pies done," Bucky says.

"I'm not done," Steve says winking at him, and Bucky comes prancing back.

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