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Steve just found Bucky, and he isn't ready to let him go. So Tony trying to take him away is bullshit. He can't stand another hour without Bucky. How is he even going survive Bucky being in jail. Tony can fight all he wants, Bucky is his. 

Bucky comes trudging out of the room. He doesn't know it yet, but, Steve is going to war for Bucky. Bucky gives him a slight smile, and lays down on the couch. He has been worked by Hydra so long, and so hard. He hasn't had sleep that good before falling off the train. 

He takes a sip of Stevie's drink. He spits it out, spraying it all over papers. Steve turns around, and see the sour look on Bucky's face. He must have had a sip of coffee.

"Is everything ok back there?" Steve asks, while paying attention to the food he is cooking. 

"Yeah. What is in that cup?" Bucky hisses. "It is so bitter," 

"Bucky, don't you remember? We used to go for coffee every morning. We both got completely black coffee," Steve reply. "We also go the strongest," he winks. 

Bucky shakes his head. He doesn't remember anything. He can't even remember his own mother's name. Hydra was bitch to him. The only person he remembers is Steve, and he has little to no memory of him either. 

But, for right now, he is the only one Bucky trusts. Bucky is so confused about everything, he doesn't even know what love is. But, Steve is showing him, even if they are only friends. Steve has been so nice to him. He makes him every meal, and shares everything with him. Right now, he is wearing Steve's sweatpants. Bucky has only been with Steve for a couple of days. And, Bucky has no way of knowing if it was going to last or not. 

Steve puts a plate of food in front of Bucky. He gulps it up, before Steve can even sit down. Steve flashes a smile at Bucky. Bucky clicks on the television, and an ad for a mop appears on the screen. Bucky covers his ears, and brings his knees to his chest.

Steve wraps an arm around Bucky. He lowers the volume on the television. Bucky unclogs his hands, and wraps his arms around his legs. Bucky gives Steve a smile, and lowers his legs to the ground. 

Steve gets up to gather the dishes. Before he could, Bucky stands up, and hugs him. They stand there hugging for five minutes. Each embracing each other deeply. They both needed the hug. Tears stream down the males faces. 

"Thank you Stevie," Bucky whispers. 

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