Stucky|As Girls

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"Bucky, did you eat my ice cream?" Stevie yells from the kitchen. Stevie comes trudging into the living room, with an empty carton of ice cream. Bucky looks over at her and gives her a shrug.

"Maybe it was Tony," Bucky says. Stevie rolls her eyes and throws the carton away. They have been dating in secret for a couple of months. Ever since Stevie found Bucky, they finally were able to date.

"Hey girls, we are all going to get shawarma. If you are feeling up to it," Clint says, poking his head in.

"Hold on, we will be there," Stevie says, putting her boots on. Bucky throws on a leather jacket and grabs Stevie's hand. 

Bucky whispers into Stevie's ear "I love you, and I told you we were going to the future together,". Stevie's smile plasters on her face and gives Bucky a kiss on the cheek. 

"Can we tell them today?" Bucky whines, as Stevie leaves the room. 

"I don't know Buck. I just don't know how it would go down," Stevie says, turning around to give Bucky a wink. Bucky rolls her eyes and runs after Stevie. They run through the tower trying to catch up to the team.

"There you finally are," Tony says, throwing his hand up. "Guys we can actually leave now," Tony says sarcastically into the car window. Stevie pushes Tony out of the way and scoots into the car. Bucky runs after her and sits next to her. 

"Onward to the shawarma place," Tony exclaims to the driver. They make small talk the whole drive, but, Bucky really wants to scream that she and Stevie are dating. Bucky can't take it anymore. There are so many guys hitting on her at the tower, and all Stevie does is tell her to stay strong. 

When they get to the shawarma place, they sit down, and Bucky sits right next to Stevie. Stevie places her hand on Bucky's thigh. Bucky can't help but smile, she loves Stevie so much. Everybody orders, and talks about the recent mission. 

A bunch of girls run over, and scream and take pictures. Some guy actually grabbed Bucky's butt, and all Stevie could do was give him dirty looks. Their food arrives, and everybody leaves. 

Everybody was sitting there eating, and enjoying everybody's company. They started talking about controversial topics. Then the LGBTQ+ community comes up. Stevie makes eye contact with Bucky and pleads her not to say anything. Everybody on the team supports it, so Bucky feels like it's time. 

"Stevie and I have been dating for five months now," Bucky blurts out, and everybody turns silent. Then, they all burst out laughing. 

"What's so funny?" Stevie asks. 

"You don't think we don't know that," Tony says, wiping tears from his eyes. 

"All those lovey-dovey looks you give each other," Sam says, holding his stomach from laughing so hard. Bucky looks over, and Stevie's face is getting red. 

Bucky smiles, and kisses Stevie on the mouth, for the first time in public.  

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