Stucky|The Pink Sofa

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Steve and Bucky's apartment always had a pink sofa in the living room. Back before Steve was Captain America, they still had a pink sofa. Bucky never knew why they had a pink sofa, he just went along with it. All he cared about was loving Steve, and making sure Steve was safe and mentally happy. Bucky never once wondered about the pink sofa.
Steve was a casually happy guy. He worked on himself, and he worked on trying to better Bucky. The pink sofa was sentimental to Steve. Steve's mom always had a pink sofa in her living room, so he always has to have one in his living room.
Once Steve's mom died, the only thing that didn't get put in a storage container was a pink sofa. Because Steve had been frozen for so long, he was never able to find the storage container with all his mother's things.
Steve, however, kept this information from Bucky. Steve never really wondered if Bucky noticed the sofa or not.
Until one day while Steve was cooking dinner, Bucky was sitting on the couch and he asked Steve "Why do you have a pink sofa?" Steve started to tear up and he walked over the Bucky and wrapped him in a bear hug.
They laid down on it together, as Steve whispered the story of the pink sofa. Then, their dog Junior jumped up on top of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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