Stucky|Pride Parade

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"Bucky, were going to be late," Steve yells from the stairs. Bucky runs down, putting on his blue jacket. Bucky's eyes widen when he sees what Steve's wearing. He has a skin tight shirt, with the words "Love Wins". Bucky throws him his leather jacket. He slips on his sneakers, and starts to the car. 

"What? You don't like my shirt?" Steve ask chasing after him. 

"Not only that, but I don't want other men looking at my husband," Bucky says driving away. They turn on the radio, and No by Meghan Trainer comes on. Then Steve starts to sing along. 

"Hey, you want Starbucks?" Bucky asks him. Steve violently shakes his head. And Bucky turns into the drive thru. Once they've gotten their drinks, Bucky drives to the parade. 

Today was a pride parade, and Steve pushed Bucky into coming. Bucky just wanted to stay home, and watch Netflix. Bucky is very antisocial, but all Steve wants to do is show off Bucky. Ever since he found him, Steve won't shut up about him. 

When he parks, he is surprised by how many rainbows there are. There is also, a lot of people in tutus. And lots of grown up in little cloths. Steve isn't minded by it though, he is just smiling at all the people supporting the lgtbq community. 

Steve grabs Bucky by the hand, and they find a spot to watch. When it started, a man covered in rainbows, with a rainbow flag, was marching down the road. Bucky was surprised by how many children were here. 

"Pride," the man yelled out, and everybody screamed many things. Steve screamed Fuck Yeah. Bucky could't help but laugh. Somehow Steve had gotten his hands on a flag, and he was waving it so hard. 

There was a float, with just men, in speedos. Bucky didn't mind but take a little peak. Steve was gone, so Bucky just stood there awkwardly. When Steve came back, he had a sticker on his face and in his hand. He stuck it on Bucky's face. 

Some one pulled Bucky up to a float. Bucky grabbed Steve, and they were just standing up there. People around them started chanting kiss. Bucky's face got very red. Steve put his hand in Bucky's face, and pulled him in for a big kiss. 

Everyone started screaming, and yelling. When Steve released Bucky couldn't help but smile. They sat on the float until the end of the parade. When it stopped Steve helped Bucky down, and they walked to the car. 

"See, it wasn't that bad," Steve says.

"Your right," Bucky says smiling. 

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