Stucky|Pre- Serum Steve

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A large guy was beating on Steve. Steve's face was bloody, and one of his eyes were swollen. He was throwing weaker and weaker punches. The man threw on huge punch, and Steve fell to the ground. 

Then Bucky comes busting in. Bucky throws the guy off of Steve. Bucky punches him in the face, and the guy runs away. Bucky grabs Steve by the legs. He picks him up bridal style, and he lets a tear slip. He can't bare to see Steve like this. 

He brings Steve back to there apartment and sets him down on the sofa. He grabs a cold pack, and places it on Steve's forehead. He puts some rubbing alcohol on a gauze pad. He places it on Steve's wounds. 

Bucky heads off to his office. He needs to make sure that his work knows, that he is going into the service. He must have fallen asleep, because when he woke, the television was on. He stumbles out of the office, to see Steve sitting up, watching another war movie. 

"Stevie, your up," Bucky says, running over, and wrapping his arms around him. "I surely thought that you would be out longer. You're also very stupid. Why would you do that?" 

"Well, this girl was getting molested by this older man. She was screaming and I had to save her," Steve says. He was trying to stand up, but Bucky was pulling him back down. 

"Oh Stevie," Bucky says, tears forming in his eye. Steve jumps on top of his legs. He grabs Bucky's face, and give him a kiss on his lips. Steve uses his thumbs to wipe off Bucky's tears, and puts his head on Bucky's shoulder. 

"Nothing will replace you Buck," Steve whispers into Bucky's ear. It sends shivers up Bucky's spine. He kisses Steve on the forehead. He picks Steve up, and carries him to the bedroom. 

"You need to get some sleep," Bucky says, placing him on the bed. Steve grabs Bucky by the neck, and pulls him on the bed. 

"Then you do too," Steve says. 

"No, Stevie. I have to do-"

"Shut up," Steve says sliding his hand down Bucky's pants. Bucky lets a small moan slip, and Steve's smile widened to his ears. With Steve's other hand, he starts to unbuckle Bucky's buckle. Bucky then starts to unbuckle Steve's pants. 

Steve pushes Bucky on his stomach, and Steve jumps on top of Bucky. As Bucky inserts, Steve lets out a large moan. They each took turns being on the top and bottom. Lets just say, Bucky didn't get any work done that night. 

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