Stucky|Amusement Park

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All the Avengers were all piled in the team van. Tony was driving, and they were all heading to the new Amusement Park. Steve and Bucky are holding hands in the car, and singing along to the song on the radio. Sam was sitting next to Nat, because he is so desperate to get with her. 

After a long hour drive, they were all anxious to get out of the car. Especially Nat, she was sick of hearing Sam constantly talk about himself. Steve and Bucky were practically jumping for joy. When they were nearing the park, everyone's smile took over their faces. 

"Alrighty, were here kids," Tony says sarcastically. Everyone got out of the car, and ran towards the entrance. Bucky and Steve were so excited to be here. When they entered, it was so amazing. There were so many rollercoasters, it was so different from 1925.

Nat and Sam were already in line, for a ride, so Bucky and Steve followed after them. They stood in line for twenty minutes, just to ride a ride for fifteen seconds. Even thought it was only fifteen seconds, it was the best fifteen seconds of his life. 

"How was that ride Bucky?" Tony asks him. 

"It was amazing," Bucky said smiling. They all decided they would go on the swings next. While walking, Steve grabbed Buck's butt, and squeezed. Bucky's face got very red, and Steve had a little sick on his face. 

There wasn't  a line for the swings, so they got right on. The swings lasted for five minutes. And the whole time Bucky was at peace with the world. He forgot everything he did, and just sat back and flew. The ride ended, and he was reminded of what he did. 

They all met in a circle, and decided to have a meeting. Steve wanted ice cream, and everyone else was hungry. So they walked towards the food. Steve decided to get ice cream, after having lunch. 

Once they were finished, they started walking again. "Okay, so what do you want to ride next?" Tony asked.

Bucky pointed towards Steve. " I want to ride that," Steve choked on his ice cream. Sam and Nat were snickering, and Tony rolled his eyes. 

"Oh my god, can you not be gay for at least a day," Tony says. 

"Your asking to much," Bucky says, and carries on walking. 

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