Stucky|A Child

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"Bucky, please, we are totally ready for children," Steve whines for the third time today. "We have a cat, Bucky, a cat. We have taken care of this cat for a long time. Please, please, please,".

"Steve, I don't think we are ready, especially me. What if the child, thinks I'm weird,"

"You aren't weird. You are adorable. You can be the fun dad. Plus, you would be able to take care of it. Because, I have to work, and you can have special bond with them," Steve says. 

"Let me sleep on it," Bucky says walking away. Steve takes off his pants and throws them in the dirty laundry. He jumps on the bed, and grabs his book. Bucky snuggles up to his chest, and goes on his phone. Steve kisses his head, and shuts off the light. 

The Next Day

Bucky wakes up to the smell of breakfast cooking. The smell of bacon, practically carries him into the kitchen. There he see's Steve flipping pancakes over the stove. Bucky walks up behind him, and wraps his arms around him. 

"I thought you had work today," Bucky says to Steve. Steve gives him kiss, and puts a pancake on a plate. 

"I took it off. I wanted to spend sometime with my husband," Steve says, and Bucky looks down at his shiny ring. Bucky pours himself a cup of coffee, and sits down at the table. He picks up the newspaper, and flips through the pages until he finds the comics. 

Steve sets down his and Bucky's plates, and starts to dig in. Steve is half way through his plate, before Bucky starts to eat food. Bucky takes his time, Steve does not. 

"Now that you have slept, how about we-"

"Ok Steve, we can adopt," Bucky says. Steve smile has become huge. His eyes lit up, and he started to dance around. 

"I was going to ask if you want to go to Ikea, but this is totally better," Steve says still dancing.

At The Adoption Agency

"Both of records are extremely clean," The woman says. "Let me take you to the children," She says standing up. 

The guys follow her into a room, full of children. Bucky starts to feel bad for them. They don't even have any family. That is just sad, but, today they are going to change a kids life. 

All the sudden, a little girl runs up, and hugs Bucky's leg. Bucky looks down, and the girl looks up at him smiling, and he smiles back. Then a boy runs and hugs Steve's leg. Steve picks him up and puts him on his shoulders. Bucky does the same with the girl. 

They take the kids into a room, so they can talk to them. The little girl and boy, hold hands the entire time. Bucky wasn't expecting to take home two kids. But, he might. 

"Hi, I'm Steve, and this is Bucky my husband," 

"Cool," they say in sync. "We are going to get two daddies," The girl says. 

"I'm Tyler, and this is Alex, were are best friends," Tyler says. 

"You wouldn't mind two daddies?" Bucky asks them. 

"No, we just want a family," and once Alex said that, Bucky knew, he wanted both of them. 

So they all walked out hand in hand. Bucky and Steve with their new family. It was a perfect family for them, and Bucky wished for nothing to change it. 

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