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Bucky had been staying at the tower for a couple months now. And he and Steve haven't connected at all. Bucky hasn't even talked to Steve at all. Steve just hopes Bucky doesn't forget about their love before the war, and during the war.  

Bucky used to be Steve's best friend, and now it seems that Sam has taken the role. Sam knows something is wrong with Steve. He notices something as soon as Bucky started to live in the tower. Steve just hasn't been himself, and Sam is determined to try and find out why.

Steve is sitting at the kitchen table, just staring at his cereal bowl. He is spinning his spoon around the bowl. Sam advances towards the table and pulls out the chair across from Steve. Steve doesn't even seem to notice until Sam something. 

"Steve, what is the matter. You haven't been yourself since Bucky moved into the tower," Steve cringes at the name Bucky. Steve picks up his bowl, puts it in the sink, and walk toward his room. Bucky bumps into Steve because they were both looking down at their feet. When Steve notices who he bumped into, he blushed and walked faster. 

*Time lapse thanks to Thanos apologizing, giving everybody a hug*

A knock on Sam's door surprises him; he wasn't expecting any visitors today. "Come in," Sam yells, and in walks Steve. Steve walks slowly towards Sam's bed and sits down. The bed creeks from the weight.

"Sam," Steve takes a deep breathe "I'm Gay," Steve exhales slowly. 

"Good for you, I mean it's 2017, you really think I would care?" Sam says to Steve, not even giving him a second look.

"I'm in love with Bucky. I don't know if he remembers what happened before the war. But, I mean I do, and I'm still sore thinking about it," 

"Gross, I don't need to know about your sex life Steve," Sam says and rolls his eyes. Steve smirks and leaves Sam's room. 

*Another time lapse thanks to Baby Groot meeting up with Scarlett Witch*

"Bucky, I need to tell you something," Steve says to Bucky who looks up from eating a sandwich.

"Yeah," he says. 

"Bucky, remember how we used to be best friends?" Steve says.

"We were more than friends," Bucky smirks. 

"You remember?" Steve asks hopefully. 

"How could I forget? I mean you must still be sore," Bucky says. Steve starts to smile. Bucky gets up and grabs Steve's face. He kisses it passionatly, as Sam is walking into the room.

"I love you, Buck," Steve whispers into Bucky's ear. 

Bucky hugs him harder, and whispers "I love you more," 

I Hope You guys enjoyed!! Please vote, comment, and follow me! if you have any request feel free to message me!!!

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