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Every time Bucky see's his reflection, it makes him cringe. He doesn't even know who he is. The only person that makes him feel better is Steve, but Steve doesn't even know Bucky's feelings for him. 

Those two years without Steve, were hell, and Bucky would search up picture of Steve, and sometimes cry over them. Here wanted Steve to rescue him, so bad. Plums, and Steve were his only comfort. 

Now that he is living with Steve and the team, he feels safer. He is able to go out of his room, without a glove on his hand , and not be judged. At least, he has a couple of friends, including Sam, Steve, and Nat. 

Steve loves Bucky, and Bucky doesn't know. Sure, they hang out all the time, but they do manly stuff. But, on the inside Steve really wants to braid Bucky's hair. When Bucky passes in front of a mirror, he cringes. It makes Steve, want to curl up with him, and snuggle him. 

Bucky is the most precious thing in Steve world. It kills him to see Bucky like that. Steve needs to tell Bucky, everything he feels about him. He just doesn't know how, so he talks to Nat about it. 

"Hey Buck," Steve hollers from his room. Bucky comes into the room. He is met, with over 100 mirrors, all staring back at him. Steve comes out from the corner. He can tell, that Bucky is uncomfortable. 

"W-why did you do this Steve?" Bucky asks, tears burning in his eyes.

"Bucky, I love you. I have loved you since we met. I really need to tell you this, or I would have exploded," Steve says. Tears are now rolling down Bucky's eyes. 

"I-I love you too," Bucky say, pulling Steve into a bear hug. "But, why did you put up all of these mirrors?" Bucky asks again. 

"I know how much you hate your reflection, and, I love everything about you. I just wanted you to see the way I see you," Steve says tears are now pooling out of both their eyes. They stand there hugging each other. Wetting each others shoulders, and nobody bothered them, for the rest of the night. 

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