Stucky|The Café pt. 2

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Bucky is wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. He has a date with Steve tonight, and he is already nervous. He will probably fuck up something, he always does. Steve and him decided to go to the Café for a date.

He jumps when his phone dings. It was a reminder that he has a date with Steve tonight. He needed to get his mind off of Steve, so he decides to go for a jog. It was 7:00 o'clock in the morning, and he hasn't been on a run in a long time.

He decides to run around the water. He notices there are two people running. He starts off with a slow pace, getting faster and faster. He runs next to the slower guy.

"On your Right," Bucky says. He then gets faster, he can barley make out what the guy is saying.

"Oh no, not you two," he yells, making his pace faster as well. Bucky slows down a bit and matches his pace with the slower guy.

"Hi, I'm Sam," the guy says.

"Hi, I'm Bucky," Bucky says. He and Sam run together for a while. Until the other guys comes running by.

"On your left," the guy says. Bucky immediately notices the voice. It's Steve, Bucky's soulmate. Steve sets a pace with Sam and Bucky. Bucky starts running faster, he needs to get away from Steve. He can't let Steve see him like this.

Bucky runs into a alley way to catch his breath. His hands are on his knees, and he is breathing hard. He runs home, not stopping anywhere. He fiddles with his keys until he unlocks the door. He starts his shower, and steps into the warm water.

When he gets out of the shower, he throws on his sweat pants. He ties his hair into a bun, and goes searching in the fridge. He pulls out an old Subway sandwich. He sits down to enjoy the meal, and dozes off on the couch .

He wakes up to a ding on his phone. It reminds him that he has a date with Steve in 30 minutes. He jumps up and runs towards his bedroom. He throws on a button up, and some khakis. He rolls up the sleeves of the shirt. He puts on his favorite cologne. He throws on his fancy shoes, and quickly brushes his teeth.

He jogs out of his house, and walks toward the Café. He checks his watch, and he is five minutes early. When he enters the Café the door jingles, and it gives him comfort. He spots Steve in the corner. He walks over there, and sits down.

"Hey," Bucky says.

"Hi," Steve says with a smile.

"What shall we order?" Steve asks.

"If you haven't had their ham sandwich, you totally should," Bucky says, and smiling at Steve.

"Buck, your very cute," Bucky face blooms with a blush. He pushes a piece of hair behind his ears. Steve grabs Bucky's arm, and Bucky feels the sensation again.

"I have a better place to go," Steve says whispering into his ear. Bucky nods his head, and the walk out holding each others hands.

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