Stucky|The Cafe

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Bucky's heart is starting to beat faster. He looks down at his wrist, and it is glowing. Bucky frantically looks around, and sweat begins to collect on his face. Bucky stands up, and runs into the closest Cafe. He orders a cappuccino, and takes his anti-anxiety pill.

His therapist started giving them to him, because of what happened. He also has to take PTSD pills, Hydra really fucked him for life. But, he was a toy to them, so they didn't really care. Bucky see's a blonde haired, nice looking guy, looking around the cafe. Bucky's wrist is glowing, and Bucky quickly exits the cafe.

Bucky has nothing against love, but nobody could love him. His stupid metal arm, already killed any chance of love. So this wrist glowing shit, was bothering him. He does kind of feel bad for the person that he hasn't even given a chance.

Bucky unlocks his apartment door, and grabs a fresh plum sitting on his counter. Bucky always has plums on hand, because they help him remember. Cafe's are his safe spot, it is the only thing he remembers from before. So he always gets a cappuccino, and reads the paper or a book there.

The Next Day

Bucky is back at the cafe. He is reading The Fault In Our Stars, and he might have let a tear slip out. He doesn't even notice his wrist glowing, when that man enters again. The man comes near Bucky and sits across from him.

The man sticks out his hand. "Hi, I'm Steve Rogers," he says cheerfully.

"Hi? I'm Bucky. Why are you talking to me?" Bucky asks. Steve's smile turns into a mutual look.

"I think were soulmates,". Once Steve said that, Bucky looks down at his wrist, and starts to panic. Steve notices and asks if there is anything he can do.

"Can you get me a cappuccino?" Bucky asks, breathing heavily now. Steve rushes off, and brings back a cup. Bucky plops in the pill and takes a big gulp of his drink.

Steve once again sticks out his hand. Bucky places his human hand into Steve's. It feels as though an electric shock when up through Bucky's back. It didn't hurt, and once you know the feeling, you never want it to stop. This feeling is like crack, if Bucky knew what crack was.

Bucky could Steve felt it too. The look on Steve's face was priceless. All the sudden, a thought rushed through Bucky's head. He is capable of love, and he is now in love.

"Would you like to go out on a date?" Steve asks Bucky.

"Yes," Bucky says basically drooling over Steve.

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