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I caught Google right before his battery died luckily! So I had to put him on charge. Isn't he adorable when he isn't trying to murder all of humanity?  Or sleeping? When he sleeping is the only time when he isn't trying to kill all of humanity you know. At least we have a couple ways to defend ourselves. Deny him access. Let his charge run out. Ask to many questions. Ask a question without a real answer.

Plus he does have quite a bit of bugs. They are really funny to laugh at because he finds himself all powerful compared to us humans.

Still! Isn't Google adorkable like that! Yes, I do know I changed his hair. Like I did to Wilford too. Don't you kind of like his hair like that though? It looks cool! Also yes I know that I make Dark's hair an unusual color of bleach blonde when everyone else does red. Well Mark has red! I think Mark and Dark should have different colors! Also I remember a picture of dark before the hair dye color started. He had his normal black hair but a blonde streak in it. That's why I make Darks hair Blonde.

Well I think there is two more chapters left to post for this Friday update! Comment and vote please! Bye! Love you!

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