Long Calls

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That legitimately looks like it should the title to a story XD

Well, I really wanted to practice my Roy Mustang and Maes Hughes so I did. Colonel Mustang and Colonel Hughes (no one mention the Bragider General thing! ;-; ) are known for having their calls during work. (More like Maes calling Mustang, about his wife and daughter, and mustang who wants to procrastinate on his own work -snickers- same)

Well some of you are wondering by why the dots on the PHONE BOOTH are red. Others know exactly why there is red coming from a PHONE BOOTH with MAES HUGHES on it.

Anyway I totally ship them~ HYUROI AWAY! Even my autocorrect recognizes that as a word now~ there are no freaky no stories for that ship on wattpad except for one lemon and you know that I don't like reading lemons or dirty things so yeah. I'll be fixing that! This is my BROTP/OTP of the entire show. I can't ship anything else for this freaking show.... Well maybe one or two other things... STILL! HYUROI AWAY!

Also I'm really sorry about updating on a Saturday instead of Friday like I usually do! I was really tired yesterday and I didn't take the picture beforehand! I've been going to bed at 10-11pm and waking up at 6:30am for school. My body just to used to those times already so much I'm very sorry about the delay! I'll try not to do it again but I have no idea.

Please comment and vote! Thank you for stopping by! I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye guys!

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