Another animoo gurl

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Uh-huh. Another one. Because I'M PRACTICING MY SKILLZ! :)

If she was COLORED she would have had light pink hair and sea colored eyes. Blueish green, leaning towards that green.

I probably would have named her Kate Bishop. I kind of like that. Nice ring to it, dontcha think? She's on the younger and perky side. She is not an alchemist, is not. Because there are not very many alchemists. She prefers using a sword, not as skilled as Bradley of course but not bad. Though she has used guns, she is not fond of them. Why did I not do a little personality thing for the last one?

What am I supposed to say? I'm not good at this. Maybe I am. How can I tell if I'm the one talking.

Thank you for taking the time to read and stuff! I would love to hear your comments! See you next chapter dudes!

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