Chapter 1

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This world. This small world filled with heroes and villains. The weak and the powerful. Me? Well... I don't like to think of myself as a villain... but who doesn't like to bend the rules just a little?

"You must be The Joker." I smirk mischievously. "Tell me? Are ya funny?"

"Oh doll face, your little costume is adorable. I'm just not looking for auditions at the moment." He grinned with metallic lined teeth.

The rooftop had a chilling breeze that blew my auburn hair into my face. I wasn't cold despite wearing black shorts and slightly cropped crop top. My signature outfit.

"Well, lucky for you I'm not auditioning." I turned around and walked away with my small handful of stolen jewelry. I never took more than a handful of whatever I stole. Kept me off the radar, and, truth be told, I found more joy in doing legal things.

"Well, I'm sure they could open up for a gal like you. Tell me, what's your name?"

I stopped to turn around. "Lilith Bones. Stage name, Obsidian. I gotta go but I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon." And with that, I turned to jump onto a nearby rooftop, then another, and another until I climbed down the fire escape and slipped into my humble apartment. Before plopping down into bed, I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Running dehydrates people you know?

My mind was flipping through my interaction with the infamous villain of Gothem. I never thought I'd actually meet him to be honest, I probably wouldn't in the future either. I only robbed small jewelry stores and the occasional bank. Nothing too gritty. Keeping a low profile was what allowed me to live a peaceful life outside the crime.

To be honest, I'm not the best villain. I feel a bit of guilt here and there. I make up for it by giving some of it away. If it's too recognizable, I sell it on the streets as a con artist. And yes, some of the profits go to charity.

The Joker however, was entirely different. He had his own gang, an unchallenged reputation, and the honor of being Batman's number one nemesis. He had distinct features like his slicked back green hair, numerous tattoos, and subtle clown makeup that made him look more menacing than funny. Still, there was something compelling about him that I just couldn't get over...

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