Chapter 5

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"Can I call you J? It seems to suit you." I asked mischievously.

"Oooh I like that. My buddies call me Mr. J."

"Do I get to meet them tonight Mr. J?"

"Oh, I don't quite think you got me. You're not just my buddy, you're my newest best friend."

"Well what can I say? I have a way with people."

We slowed down in a hidden alley where we walked into an abandoned brick building. We went down a set of grimy metal stairs to be greeted by a buff man sitting on a chair with a gun in hand.

"Welcome back Mr. J. Who's the new hot chick?" A guy looked me up and down with a smirk.

"She's my new partner in crime." J intertwined his arm into mine smoothly as the man opened to door. Inside was a club of gangsters, criminals, strippers, and all of the above. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this...

Everyone stopped to look at us. It was clear that The Joker was feared by all of them. So why wasn't I? In fact, it was the complete opposite... I wanted to be around him.

"Remember doll face, this is still an audition. Show me whatcha got." J grinned manically.

Without another word, I walked toward a rather menacing looking man hitting on a stripper. I made a note to bump into him before slipping my hand in and out of his back pocket. I shoved his wallet into the pocket of another nearby arms dealer.

"Hello sir?" I went back to the guy talking to the blonde chick. "I don't mean to be a bother..."

"A pretty thing like yourself? Nah. What can I do ya for?"

"Well, it seems that guy over there stole your wallet a few minutes ago. I usually don't snitch but you seem like the type that would make it worth my while." I looked up at the muscular man seductively. There was a flash of panic in the guy's eyes before he walked up to the other man to punch him square in the jaw.

Morons. Always shooting first, asking questions later. They started wailing on each other and just like that, there was chaos throughout the bar. I wasn't quite done yet. Pick pocketing when everyone was distracted was an easy pinch usually.

One stripper however, turned around before I could snag her tips. She threw a punch at me but I simply grabbed her arm and twisted it back. She yapped in pain before I threw her head against the nearby table. She was easy to get rid of but there was a rush of nearby gang members getting ready to attack me.

The first guy came at me, swinging a small pocket knife. I kicked his feet from under him before taking the blade for myself. Another man charged straight into me. Although he had a good 5 inches on me, I managed to flip him over and knock him out.

The last guy however, was smart. He came at me strategically, managing to send a quick kick to my stomach. I was stunned for a second before pure anger boiled in me. He stole the blade I dropped and cut a tear in my shirt. Now I was aiming to kill this bastard...
He tried to strike another blow but I deflected it with a swift kick. He grabbed my leg and spun me through the air. Bad move #1. I tucked in and threw his arm back, dislocating his right shoulder. My opponent was getting angry now.

He swiped at me with the knife. Bad move #2. I retrieved the blade from his hand and jabbed it into his left arm. In his final attempt to beat me, the guy tried to ram into me, thinking he could use his weight to his advantage. Bad move #3. Three strikes and you're out bud.

I leapt over the guy's 5'10" frame and grabbed his head. Twist. He dropped to the ground. I looked up to see the entire bar staring at me with wide eyes.
J walked toward me slowly. Laughing as he clapped his hands together.

"Well done doll face." He grinned widely before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and whispering, "You're in."

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