Chapter 8

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"You what?" J asked in a controlled rage.

"I accidentally told him to go the other way." I rolled my eyes. "What's the big deal? We can get him next time."

"Doll..." J leaned over me while I slouched on a oversized armchair. "You really don't seem to get it. That Bat roams around the city and ruins all the fun. I could've killed him."

"Oh yeah? And what's the point of that? A villain ain't a villain without a hero to get in their way."

J lined the edge of my jawline with his index finger. "What's the point of having a toy if it doesn't work?" His words sent shivers through my body.

"Listen, I'll find him and kill him myself if it makes you happy." I tried to shake the feeling of uneasiness.

"You know you scrunch your nose when you're upset?"


J reached to lightly tap my nose. "It's kinda cute. I'd hate to let you go. But I will." And with that, he walked out of the room.

A couple days later I was taking an evening walk by myself when a tall dark figure approached me from the shadows. The pointy ears were easily recognizable. "Batman?"

"That's me." The almost brittle voice made me surge with energy.

"I have a gift for you... I never got to thank you for before." I reached into my back pocket slowly.

"No need. It's my job."

"It's rude not to accept presents Batty, didn't your parents ever teach you that?" Before he could react, I pulled a sharp knife out and slashed it against his chest. He was stunned for moment, processing what I'd just done. I used the time to my advantage to stab the Bat in the shoulder.

He threw a hard punch at me but I dodged it narrowly. "Stop!" Another man dressed in red and green with a yellow cape rushed in.

"Get out of here. This isn't your fight." I snarled.

"He's my ment-" The new guy paused. "Lilith?"

My breath caught in my throat and I ran. I sprinted away down alleys and through the bushes of a nearby park. I knew that the guy hadn't chased after me, he'd taken care of Batman. After all, Brandon was one of the most caring people I'd ever met.

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