Chapter 2

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Waking up was always hard... But I managed to do just that everyday for 26 years exactly. That's right, today was my birthday and as usual, I'd be spending it alone.

So what does a friendless girl gonna do on such a milestone age? Go for a jog, visit a coffee shop, and later, get drunk. I changed into my some sportswear and started running down the streets of Gothem.

I had always been a fan of the city. It was filled with unique people rushing around like cockroaches. Me, I was the like the iguana that fed off of them. But of course, there were the metaphorical hawks. AKA the literal Batman. I'd only seen the mysterious figure twice in my entire life. The first time, I had been in a taxi and I snuck a glimpse of him through the window. The second time was a bit more personal. In fact, he was the reason I took advanced self defense lessons.

He'd caught me looting a small jewelry store and chased after me. I barely got away. In fact, I wouldn't have gotten away if it wasn't for the Penguin's henchmen interfering. However, if they hadn't gotten in his way, I would've been thrown in jail and earned a few bumps and bruises along the way.

That was a couple years ago, but now I was fully capable of holding my own against anyone. Especially if I had a gun in hand.

"Hey Lilith!" I heard a voice come from behind. I cursed under my breath before spinning around.

"Brandon!" I offer a fake smile. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Yeah I've left messages but you never responded." Brandon was my ex. I didn't want to break up with him but I couldn't bear the thought of him getting dragged into my shit show of a life.

"That's because I didn't want to. Why can't you just move on?"

"I have moved on! I just knew it was your birthday today so I thought I'd drop by and give you this." Brandon handed me a small box with wrapping paper carefully folded around it.

"Thanks..." I felt a pang of guilt but tried to shake it off.

"You can open it later, I just thought I'd hand it to you in person so I was about to head to your apartment. But now you're here so yeah... I'll see you around hopefully?"

"Yeah. I'll see ya." I offered a wry smile before heading off in the opposite direction.

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