Chapter 6

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A month passed since I was brought in by J. My old life was just a vivid dream, my new one, a living legend. I had built a reputation as The Jokers partner, the less merciful one even. It felt odd at times, knowing I couldn't really go back to being normal, but then again, I'd fallen in love with the power.

"Alright doll face, I've got a game for ya." J's face was close enough for me to feel his hot breath against my neck.

"Ooooh I love games." I turned my head so my face was centimeters away from his.

"It's called, 'Kill The Bat.'"

"Awe... Did the little Brat Man get in your way again?" I made an exaggerated pouty face. "Don't worry, we'll get him."

"I have a plaaaaaan." J sung. "You are going to con him with your brilliant charisma and good looks while I snipe him clean off the street."

"Are you sure you don't just want to hire a hit man? I hear Deadshot's got pretty good aim."

"The bastard won't do it."

"Well, I don't see a problem with that. I'll need to change my style, possibly with some sparkle."

"I've got just the thing." J moved in closer, our lips only half a centimeter apart. For a split second I wanted to close the gap... Okay, maybe more than a second. I saw him moving in slowly before pulling away at the last second. "I picked the outfit myself. It's on my bed."

I turned away, rolling my eyes as I strutted into his room. The dress sequined with black and red, the shoes, a deep burgundy. It was beautiful.

"I like it." I said smoothly. Jay was standing just behind me.

"Now... Let the games begin." I didn't check to see, but I knew J was wearing a huge grin on his face.

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