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"Love is never placed before us on a silver platter"

Quain's pov:

I'm living a normal life. I got the looks. I got hella good hair. I have the face of a god. I got swag  that was made for the red carpet. My family has a little wealth. I don't have to work cause my mom,she doesn't want me to leave. I play games all day. I love to cook and sing. I'm not a soft guy but I like Drake as a hip-hop artiste. I have girls at my house  quite often cause my nom, she's hardly at home. So let just say " I'm the man."  I have so much sex, if I was getting paid I'd be a super millionaire. It's a pitty I don't support prostitution. I believe that the vaginas must be free of cost. N' I should get it any time I want.
That's just how I see it.
I'm in the city area,cause I live close by. I tell you I have the face of a god. I just had a beautiful girl give me her number, no questions asked. I swear I'm in a good mood. My friends and I are forming a group today on social media. Its Nickel's idea though. He's my good friend. He's moody, feisty (I often times wonder if he's a girl), fun to be around, as long as you stay on his good side. N basically,  that's Nickel. We hang out alot. We talk about women mostly and shop online (like women do).  I was using my laptop at the time, right there and then I started to sign up for online college courses.
While Nickel  created a whatsapp group and called it "zG."I yawned at the name of the group. Honestly, I didn't care. All I cared about a the time was that I'm appart of it. Yes
I'm the kind of person that's caring, but if you were not my family,friend, my girlfriend or side chick I wouldn't give a damn about you. I have all I need. I have a lot of women at my disposal. I can have an discard women as I had a mine. Just as long as I had money I'm fine. I'm social media famous so yeah I'm A-ok. My life is basically about my fame, money and women.


Something is totally wrong with this guy, don't you think?
He's got an ego twice the size of  the great Wall of China.
Do you think he can take it down a bit?


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