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"Our deepest fear is not that we're inadequate. Our deapest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous ,tallented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?  We were born to make manifest.  The glory of God that is within us,  and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same"
                        ............Akeelah and the Bee

Shardonae's pov:

I stood there stairing at my phone. I looked up at the right time. I saw Quain. He just came out of a Ferrari. I screamed out his name and spun around facing me. I just felt the urge to run and jump n hugg him so tightly. My brain said no but my arms and legs ran to him instead of walking. I hugged him and he stared at me as if I were some crazy ass hoe. My face fell and then he said "Shazz you're so little." His voice sent shivers up my spine. His voice was so calm and smooth, I just couldn't get enough of it. We started talking. We talked about each other, about a lot of movies, songs and we both asked each other why we were here. I learned that he was running an errand for his dad n' I was just returning from my trip to California. He hardly ever said anything. He staired at me in awe as if he were looking at an expensive Chinese porcelain doll. He staired at me as if only looking at me could break me, making it quite obvious that he likes me. When I mentioned that Xanz is my best friend a hint of jealously flushed his face. I noticed that he used his facial expressions to communicate effectively. I am good at figuring out what someone is saying even if there aren't any words, your face says it all.
He is so very skinny. He's just one big ol' bag-o-bones. When I hugged him I felt like I was hugging a tall pencil. The only thing that made him look fat was his swag. His swagger was on, smoking hot!!
He was handsome.  He was perfect. I don't believe in love but, here I am saying that he is perfect. I don't even know what perfect is! I don't know, but he is something special and I'm yet to figure it out. I think I better keep him.  Even though I think that he is a player. Give him a chance, Let him prove me wrong.


I went home that evening and I was so ecstatic. I felt whole again as if I could conquer the world or rule any kingdom. My whole life has been centured around hating so much, I forgot how it felt to love. It's funny how bad situations in life can change your whole outlook on life. It can cause you to be so blind to the to the things that can make you happy. And when you do find that feeling of happiness again, it's an extraordinary feeling that cannot be explained it can make you feel like an alien to it.
"I need to stop tripping." I spoke to myself. He's not even my boyfriend and I am all gaga for him but he was something, I shook my head. He seems to be all I can think about right now.
Even before I went off to bed that night.


I went online and I checked my messages. I saw that Quain texted me first. I was a lil surprised, I started to blush.

Quain: Good morning sunshine

Me : Good morning Quain

Quain: Did I wake you?

Me: Sorta...

Quain: My bad

Me: It's okeh

Quain: Your pretty

Me: Aum...Thank. you.
Me: You're cute

Quain: You don't have to compliment me. I know that already lol.

Me: whatever.  You got a large ego for your age.

Quain: How old am I?

Me : I dunno.

Quain: Now that's something for you to find out.

Me: I sure will. I know a good amount of people. I can get the information, in a snap.

Quain: Prove it.

Me: I will prove it.

Quain: okay.

Me: cool

It's like I woke up to a damn challenge this morning. But I am more than happy to compete. Knowing how popular he is he'd probably cheat his way through so I'd be forced to give up and surrender an probably end up asking him his age. I can't believe that he told me that I am pretty. It's been a while since I've heard that from a man. It felt a little foreign to me. It is what it is. I guess. I don't believe that someone like him could like someone like me. I'm starting to wonder what he's playing at.  I wasn't worth it. I guess I should try to believe in myself just this, one time I guess. At least try to fool myself into thinking that he likes me.

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