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"What is to be, will be...
Because life has its ways of leading you to where your destined to matter what you do you'll always find yourself ending up there"

Shardonae's pov:

It was 12am and I've finally found the courage to send my photo in the group. I was so nervous. I waited for the best time to send it Quain saw it first. Did he find out that  I stole his number from the group?  "Crazy huh? I know." I was just curious. To see his whatsapp profile picture. I was going to text him but, his profile picture was of a very beautiful girl so I didn't bother. I didn't want to appear to him as if I'm a big fan of his so I texted my bestie instead.

Shazz : hello Mr. Brown

Xanz : hello miss Brown

Shazz : sup?

Xanz : not much. I'm just in the kitchen hunting something to eat.

Shazz : That's the stuff right there :D .

Xanz : sup? I haven't heard from you in a while.

Shazz: I've been busy.......
                Do you know Quain?

Xanz : Yeah we're friends. What is it? Do u like him?

Shazz: yeah I do, how did you catch up so quickly on my question?.... I'm hoping he's a good guy???

Xanz: Shazz I'm a detective in the making.... and He's a good guy. If you ask me.

Shazz: Yeah.ok who is the girl on his profile photo?

Xanz:  oh that's not his girlfriend. That's what he does when he wants the other girls to stop bothering him. I don't think he's in a relationship right now.

Shazz: Thanks

Xanz:  I only want what is best for you. Lil sis. Gotta go Bye.

Shazz: bye bro.

Oh did I mention that my best friend a I had the same Last name. How ironic is that? I know. I think that's why we
Understand each other so well. Anyways I tucked my phone under my pillow. I think fell a sleep round 1:43am. With the help of my alarm clock, I woke up in the morning, got the house tidy and hurried to school. I had to face the stairs from my ex-friends and their friends and their friend's-friends. This went on for weeks...Oh what lies my Ex boyfriend told my friends. I must say though. I'm not surprised.
I stayed silent through it all and awaited the bullshit to arrive in the future. I will endure to the end I swear even if I had to slaughter my Ex myself. He made me cry. He humiliated me and had me going a little bit crazy,and until I get my shit together This Torment isnt Going To Stop.
Had a lil chat with xanz too let out my frustration and he told me just what to do. The next week I did exactly as I was told and got. Y shit together. Oh, that's when all the bullshit backfired in my ex's sour dick face.
"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I HATE HIM SO FVCKIN MUCH."  I'm so angry! "THAT DICK FACE, HE'S SUCH A FVCKIN ASSWIPE HIS FACE LOOKS LIKE two million TRACTORS DROVE OVER IT!!!!!!! What the hell did I see in him?" That's a good question isn't that right Shazz? I questioned myself.
That day I could testify that I was a witness of my own happiness. It felt awesome. Cause I endured. I learnt that, the race is not for the swift or the strong but it's for those who endure until the end.

I didn't go online today, neither did I go to work. I went straight home from work. Took a shower, adjusted the air conditioning and snuggled into my bed. I clicked on the whatsapp icon on my phone and opened zG's messages. As usual I laughed my ass of. As soon as I was online I as greeted by the males. They all knew that I was online even though I didn't text in the group. Don't ask me how. I exited the app and opened my Facebook app. And saw that Quain liked all of my pictures and even commented so, I returned the favor. I couldn't possibly like all his pictures because he had too many and I didn't have the time. Even if I liked all his pictures it would be invisible.  He has 15.k and more, likes on Facebook I only get 125 or 247 on my pictures. I'm not hot or famous, no biggie.
I re-entered whatsapp and mustered a little courage to text Quain now that he changed his profile photo. Guess what I sent him? The emojii with the two eyeballs. "Hopefully he'll text me back." I chuckled nervously to myself.  Within minutes he replied.

Quain : Who is this? {:o

Me  : hi I'm Shardonae, you can call me Shazz

Quain :I'm Quain.

Me: I'm aware of that, u liked my pictures on Facebook

Quain : I did? (Thoughful emojii)

Me :yes silly. (excited emojii and annoyed emojii)

Quain: so sup?

Me: not much. Anyways I gotta go so bye

Quain :ok bye (hands waving emojii)

I quickly ended the conversation because I was nervous and didn't want to say something dumb to him. Although
I had the best sleep ever that night just talking with him made me happy.


Don't be silent readers let me know what you're thinkin. I
Never finished my book "tales of a vampires life"  but I'll update it when I am finish writing this book.

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