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"Always in a rush never stay on the phone long enough. why am I so self important? Said I'd see you soon but was all maybe a year ago.Didn't know time was of the essence. So many questions and I'm talking to my self I know that you can't hear me anymore, not any more. So much to tell you and most of all goodbye I know that you can't hear me anymore. Not any more. Its so loud inside my head with words that I should have said. Now I'll drown in my regrets. I can't take back the words I never said."
..........skyler Gray 'words'

Quain's prov

"What, Are you serious Shardonae? The wedding is in four days Shardonae, four days!" I yelled at her over the phone.
Calmly she responded " I'm the person that should be acting all crazy and out of control, I don't understand why your acting as if you're the fvcking bride." She said every word so calm and composed, not a hint of anger could be found in her voice. She was right I was acting like a drama queen, I just want her to have the fantasy wedding every woman dreams of. Well maybe I'm just jumping the gun a Lil bit too much.
I got a phone call from my mom aaannnd I started to complain.


Mom: 1st tone down, don't raise your voice at me. Maybe She's just a lot more calm than the average person.

Me: I'm sorry mum. What if she's not interested anymore?

Mom: Oh she's interested alright. Normally the bride goes ballistic ,in this case you are. Mom laughed.

Me: Thank@s for the reminder. She said that to me earlier. I spat sarcastically

Mom: Son, remember that she is sick and her condition doesn't call for her to be fussy.

Me: I know but....

Mom: You are exited, and you want her to share the same exciment as you do.

Me: yeah, something like that.

Mom: Give her time she may just surprise you.

Me: I hope so.

Mom: She will.

My mom is always the positive one. That's why I love her so much. I don't know what I'd do without her. Come to think of it I never really asked Shardonae about her parents. I wonder why she never made it a topic of discussion. I will hold that thought for a later date. I'm at an interview with a business magazine firm. They will be publishing the latest scoop on my engagement and events leading up by to my fiancé wedding. I volunteered to do an interview just to get my dad off my back. I just wanted to get married like a normal person. Nooo my dad wants an audience. Now I see why we always argue. He lives for the hype and I don't. I'm more like my mother, just simple. If only my dad would just leave me alone for fvcks sake. The only r reason I tolerate him is because my mom told me to do it.


"Oh what a terrible surprise. Dad what do you want? " I questioned him over the phone." Do I have to want something all the time? "He whines sarcastically.
"I know you dad you always want something whenever you call." I know my dad all too well, all he does is boss me around and treats me as if I can't think for myself. "Son I just wanted to say that I love you. "
He replied softly. Wow that's odd, he loved me. That's funny because I don't care anymore. "That was all I wanted to hear when I was a child dad. Don't y think that saying it 'now' is a bit useless?" I asked in annoyance.
He was about to say something and I hung up on him.
I just do want to be his puppet anymore. Very soon I'll be a married man. I will have to go on my own, and my dad, he was even behaving as if he wanted to take full control of my marriage. The nerve of this guy.
Shortly after, my mother called again.
"Oh hello mother what seems to be so important you called me twice today? " I rolled my eyes at how rude my speech sounded.
My mother blurted "Your father died."
I wasn't shocked at all. "No mom I was on the phone with him about five minutes ago, and he was quite fine." I said calmly. "I'm at the hospital right now with him. I'm sorry quain." My mo said sadly.
Now, I really couldn't believe at all. I rubbed my forehead and nodded "It's ok. I'll be alright, will you be alright?"
Mom took a deep breath then sighed "I'll try to be. "
"Ok I'll inform Shardonae about this ok. Will you be home later tonight?"
Mom spoke up quickly "Yes of course. I'll see you later bye." She hurriedly hung up the phone before I could bid her farewells.

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