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"Love has a way of creeping up on you.  You can never see it coming" quotes

Shardonae's's Pov

Look at me, the same girl who didn't believe in love ....I just can't get enough of Quain he's such a sweetheart. I text him like every day. Just the thought of him puts a smile on my face. I remember the last time I saw him. He took me to some pretty amazing places. I met all his friends and now they all treat me like family. They told me that he talks about me a lot. I couldn't help but blush out of control.
Today quain and I were hanging out at the park
"I was talking to a friend of mine, and he said that you were gay".

He laughed wholeheartedly until his stomach cramped before he finally answered "well baby girl they were gay for watching me."

I laughed until my heart ached, "oh my God, your very amusing,  you know that?" I stammered between laughs.

He smiled and and answered, "No I'm not, you're just easily amused, I like that about you."

"Really?" I asked him. I smiled like a little innocent little girl.

"Yeah. You're so cute when you smile like that." He said as he hugged  and  squeezed me tightly. I don't know but it felt right.

I told him everything about me and vice versa. It was good to know that he trusted me, even if it's just a little. Cause I trust him. A little.  He's just adorable. He has other girlfriends but, I' don't care. I can look past his flaws. After all he did, look past my flaws. He's a great guy. I just feel guilty. I didn't tell him that I have skin cancer. He saw my fingers once and asked me what happened to it. I lied. I told him that I have eczema.


I use to text him every day but I couldn't I didn't have it in me to text him. I was scared. I began to feel sick lately. But I didn't tell anyone about it. I didn't even tell Xanz, and he is like my father, my brother and most of all my closet friend and I know that if he found out that I wasn't telling anyone he'd go captain grenade on me. Neither did I tell Brittany, but she knew (Brittany is another close friend of mine, but we don't communicate very often).
I lied to everyone. Telling everyone that I have eczema. I just didn't want anybody goin' all sympathetic and showing their condolences towards me. I wanted to be treated like everyone else. Even if it meant that I had to lie. Next year is my last year at college. I'll be fine. I'll make it to the end of college, I know it. I  didn't  and couldn't see Quain as often as I used to.  My body just couldn't handle it.
I tried telling him that I was sick but I just couldn't do it. Every time I tried, the subject changed and...I just didn't bother to prolong the argument. I just let it go.
I just started, living in the moment, enjoying each and every minute of it. I texted Quain every chance I got. He asked me once.

"Have you moved on?" He texted me with a sad emojii beside it.

"No I'd never do that. I love you too much."

"Bebe, you know I love you right?" He asked.

" why, what is it? " I quickly replied.

"I just wanted you to know. Please don't leave me, because you've changed my life." He texted back.

I staired at my phone in shock and disbelief. I texted back "you've changed mine too. You wouldn't understand."
I sat on my bed, and bursted into tears. I knew how sick I was, but I'll fight for us.
I'm falling and I'm falling hard and fast, that scares me.


Oh no she's sick, what's going to happen next ?
Do you think that she'll tell Quain what's really going on with her?

Do you notice that he's hooked to her?

Comment what you think.


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