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"I was good on my own that's the way it was"
                     ...............Rihanna "needed me"

Quain's pov:

Oh I'm a not the mistery guy in the group. Everyone knows me. I'm well respected by everyone, at least I ensure that everyone does. I'm one of the three administrators in the group, so I  basically know everyone. While scrolling through the group info, in which i do quite often whenever I'm bored. I saw a girl in the group but I've never seen her send a picture ot herself in the group. Her username popped up in the group as "shardonae #1 cuddle queen."
So I'm guessing that either she's cute, she's obsessed with being cute even though she's not, or she loves cartoons like care bears and strawberry shortcake, or she had cuddling issues, or maybe she's one of those fantasy chics that believe in cuddling and that happily ever after shit.
The possibilities are endless with this girl.
I've literally seen every girl send their pictures in the group like almost every day. Flooding my phone with their pictures, of course I deleted them because I wasn't interested in having them in my device. Except for her . She seldomly spoke in the group.
Maybe it's because whenever she did she usually got ignored. Then again even if she got the chance to speak, she never did. A silent river runs deep. I felt curious.  So I came up with a plan. I sent the sexiest picture of myself that evening and of course the females went wild like the crowds of the Olympic games.
I saw a million women texting me,excuse if I'm exaggerating but it was a lot. My plans to get her attention just had to work. I waited and waited and waited and was still waiting I ended up going to bed disappointed. Around 12:00am a buzzing from my phone woke me up. "Its 12am for crying out loud,  nobody's online at those hours." I groaned angrily at the notification on my phone. Feeling dreadfully sleepy, I opened it out of curiosity. To my surprise, she sent a picture captioned "that's me." It woke me up instantly. I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore.  I staired at the picture wide-eyed in shock and rubbed my eyes to test my eyes to see if I was still dreaming. I shook my head "Nope I wasn't."
She was beautiful,amazing,  just magnificent, how beautiful she was. Her smile was worth a million dollars, make that, a billion dollars. Her eyes were so shinny, so beautiful ,so brown, as the sunset shone in her eyes. She just sat on the grass in her Mono Lisa pose like a porcelain doll. I thought my heart skipped a beat. Of course it did.
"Quain get ur shit together man" I told myself. I was disappointed again, she didn't text me. I felt like crying. I felt like a little girl in love. I'm a grown ass man for God's sakes!!
I looked at the picture once more "what are you doing to me little lady? I've only seen you in a picture"


Today I was bored at home and had nothing to do.
I waited for her to text me but it was pointless because she was always online. How did I know that?  I stole her phone number from the group.  Yes. I was going insane. She was always online and just blew me off like that.
So I started to track her down on social media. I couldn't find her. I had no choice but to ask Nickel via whatsapp for info about her, he was smart and that is what I am scared of.  I didn't want him in my business. He may screw things up for me, like he always does. I reluctantly took the chance anyways. I asked him for her Facebook username, instagram page and all the necessaries. He told me everything without questioning my curiosity, which I found quite weird but, it was a relief. Browsing the Internet was boring so I slumberd for a while and los. My phone woke me up. And checked it.  All the boys were drooling on her, it made me jealous. I found her Facebook profile earlier on and saw that she was right under my nose the whole time she was friends with majority of the people I was friends with. Maybe I was just too lazy to go through all that. All I had was her first name and I didn't even know her  last name I was only guessing what her last name could possibly be. Anyways I sent her a friend request. She instantly accepted my friend request. I Liked all her pictures, she isn't Facebook famous like me but she seemed to be well known. She's simple.I like that and very funny too, I happened to have found her Facebook status very amusing, it said," again Shordonae slaughters hoes. Then makes a pose followed by a dramatic exit. "  I was like she's so adorable in majority of her photos but she can be a little thuggish according to some of them. I can't stand to look at her photos anymore,  She still insisted on not texting me (I'm just jumping to conclusions here, I mean she doesn't even have any idea that I want her to text me).
It'll happen I tried to convince myself. "What is to be will be...somehow. "

INTOXICATING LOVE #gone HaywireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon