Chapter 2 - Deals

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I can feel myself being summoned making me roll my eyes and teleport "Whats up " I say and let my eyes turn red, well since i'm half demon and half angel i can change my eyes around, i can make my eyes turn black, red or even blue thanks to my angel side "i would like you to kill my wife" He says and i smile "Say what now" I say and he looks serious "You can have my soul right now but you have to kill her" he says and i nod "Well if that's what you want" i say kiss him before letting out a whistle warning my hell hound to come running towards the man before killing him "Good job Hades" i say and pat his blood covered fur

I teleport to where the dealers wife lives and smirk before breaking the cameras, i soon start to scare her "Whats going on?"She screams "I don't know love" I say and make her grab her hand and stab herself with a knife "Can't have anyone knowing i killed ya" I say and teleport to my hotel room "I need a beer" I say and drink before i hear two familiar voices coming from the room next to mine "She killed herself after her husband was found ripped to shreds by a wolf" One says "How is that our type of thing?" The other asks "Well, the guy was killed at a crossroad" the first guys says "So he made a deal?" The second guy says "Dean look at this " The first one says "Every camera in the house was working fine until the suicide" The first says 

"So it wasn't a suicide? " 'Dean says ' "Probably not" The first guy says "Let's go Sammy we got a demon to kill" Dean says and i hear his door closing, crap, I teleport to hell and see Crowley "When you are going to be summoned do not go, send one of your crappiest demons" I say and Crowley look confused, i explain to him and he rolls his eyes "Hey at least I got 2 souls for the price of one" I say and he chuckles "You are a good dealer Casey, i must admit" Crowley says and i chuckle "But you got hunters hunting my demons" Crowley says angrily and i look at him "Yes i did" I say "Now send one of your new ones" I say and Crowley rolls his eyes "Fine, you own me one Casey" He says and i smile "What do you want?" I ask "i want to be feared" He says and i nod

"Well, I can make people think you are protected by me" I say and he shakes his head "I want more powers" He says and i grab his arm and close my eyes before giving him one of my powers "I gave you the power to turn anyone into a demon" I say, obviously i still have my powers but i can share then "It was nice making a deal with you Crowley" I chuckle and leave, i get in my car and drive to a bar "tequila" i say and the bar tender nods and hands me a cup, i smile and take a sip before i hear the familiar voices of Sam and Dean, i look back and see them with an angel, Castiel "I'll be right back" Castiel says and comes over to me "Casey" He says and i smile before hugging him "Hows my favorite angel doing?" I ask 

"Not good Casey" He says and i look confused "i have stolen grace in me" He says and i frown "What why?" I ask and he tells me the story "So you have metatron stuck in a cell?" I say and laugh "Oh and if you don't mind me asking who are those hotties?" I ask and he looks at me confused "Who are they" i ask and look at Sam and Dean "Sam and Dean Winchester, the guys you helped when you told how to put your dad back in the cage" Cas says and i smile "Damn they're hot" I say before noticing that Dean was next to us

"Thanks" He says smirking and i just wink "Who's this??" Dean asks "Casey" I say and smile "Are you an angel?" He asks and i nod, i look at Cas and he keeps his mouth closed knowing i didn't like hunters knowing about my demon side "A fallen angel" Cas says and i chuckle "So like Lucifer?"Dean says and i shrug "Possibly" I chuckle and Dean pulls out his demon knife "Put that away big guy, i'm not like him. I actually hate him" I say, "She helped us put Lucifer back in his cage" Cas says and i nod "Who's this Cas" Sam says "Wow, every Winchester likes to pretend i'm not here?" I ask and Dean and Sam looks at me

"Every Winchester?" Sam asks "You're Johns children right?" I ask and they nod "Your father never really liked me" I say and Dean looks behind to me to see the bartender "4 beers" I say and the bartender gives it to us, i hand Cas one and smile "Come on Cas, one won't do the same damage as the liquor store did" i say to Cas but he still pushes it away "You know about that?" Sam asks and i nod "I was there with him" i reply smile at Cas "wait are you and Cas a thing?" Dean asks and i chuckle "No, i'm actually his niece" I reply "That's good" i hear Dean whisper to himself making me bite my lip seductively 

"Who's your father?" Sam asks "That's something for me to know and or you to find out" I say and wink at Dean before walking away with them behind me, i stop on front of baby (my car) and look back "Where are you going?" Dean asks "To find a case" I say and get in my car

Satan's daughter // SupernaturalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz